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Thread: My new Wiliams

  1. #1
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    Default My new Wiliams

    I wanted to see what a modern razor made with known steel was like, so I e-mailed Robert. I told him I was envisioning a plain-Jane razor: 7/8 quarter hollow, blacked out steel, square point, Micarta scales. A work horse, not a show dog. The kind of razor you use every day, not the kind you keep in a display case and take out once a month to polish it.

    Robert was surprisingly enthusiastic about the project. Surprising because I figured something like this would be boring for him. Instead of blacked-out steel, he recommended a satin finish because it holds oil well.

    So here it is. Even a plain Jane Williams is a work of art. The fit & finish of this razor is superior to any vintage razor I've owned. Everything is straight and centered; no subtle warps or twists, no oblong pin hole. It's the best razor I've owned. My Allen 37 Strand is the only vintage razor I've owned that's even in the same league. The Williams is more durable than the Allen, but I'm still touching up pretty frequently, and Robert made this thing about as hard as you can make a razor & still be able to sharpen it practically. I guess there's no hope for my barbed wire steel-eating beard

    My collection is now down to the Allen and the Williams, and the Williams is my daily shaver. The project was surprisingly affordable. I think Robert's razors are a real deal if you skip the frills and jewelry & go for function. The only way you're going to get a modern wedge is to have someone make you one, and $350 is a good deal IMO to be able to hire a master craftsman to make something from scratch to your specifications. I look forward to many shaves with my new Williams.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member speckey's Avatar
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    That is a beauty,could we have more pics?

  3. #3
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    When you think of it, classic, traditional and simple designs are the basic foundations for making anything. I personally like simplicity and functionality but well executed. Congrats on your new Williams.

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  4. #4
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    Very nice razor! Mr. Williams is really great at just doing fine work. You say plain Jane but I noticed the longer monkey tail which is very nice when you use it. Something that can not be underestimated is that you have a piece of RW steel in your hand. His steel is amazing and second to none. It is wonderful balance of crazy hard and just hard enough to be easily honed, take an edge that is very keen and long lasting.

    You did very well indeed! I second the need for more pics.

    Take care,

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I like the idea and really like the razor, especially the double jimps and the monkey tail. This is like what a Hart razor should have been!

  6. #6
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    That's funny... I emailed him the same thing, and I have that one's brother, but in mirror finish

    Nice Razor!

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Uncommon smart

    I'm still blissing out from getting the stunning razor from Riooso. It's one of the fancy ones, and a total joy to look at and handle. But its also a magnificent shaver. That's really understatement about the shave.

    I'm still on the wait list, but the next one will be the more utilitarian version - just as you've done. I go back & forth on finish. Satan finish holds oil better. Mirror gives less opportunity for invasion. 'Hard call for me.

    As noted by Utopian, your razor is what a Hart should be. I like the Hart, and hope they thrive. I love the clean look, but when it comes to the clean, graceful look, I've not seen William equaled. I can only guess you'll be glad the rest of your days for having gotten that one.

  8. #8
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    Robert Williams' steel is quite amazing. +1, this is what the Hart razor should have been.

  9. #9
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    @speckey: my photography skills unfortunately suck too much to do this razor justice.

    @utopian: I find the monkey tail easier to hold on to, so FWIW I think of it as more a practical feature than an aesthetic design element. Same goes for the jimps. I've never seen a Hart razor. Now I'm getting curious.

  10. #10
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Very nice razor indeed. Use it in good health.
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