Yeah, it's already kicked my butt today. I'm making progress and it will shave arm hair but the bevel acts like it's not that crisp. If it were a pocket knife, I'd say it had a decent edge on it but that just doesn't work for a straiight razor. I had hoped to get it in the rotation this week but that's not gonna happen. Fortunately though, I've got an assortement of other shaving tools to choose from. As predicted the Arabic was scary sharp after a few laps on a barber hone and a couple hundred laps on a horsehide strob. So this week, I've got 2 straights and 3 safetry razors to choose from, I think I can get by without the SWEDE until he's really ready to go. For me, I'd rather wait and shave with a good razor than rush it and shave with a marginal one.