I think you missed this line. "Depending on the blade design some of these razors have heavier blades, as much as .007 not the .002 to .004 of vintage high carbon steel blade." or maybe it was this one, "In the end it comes down to a type of steel that will support a thicker blade profile allowing for a smoother cut through thicker beard, oh, and esthetics." I did not say these blades profile designs was based on vintage blades, quite the opposite. As I pointed out the steel is different and allows for design features that would have been a problem for the vintage blades. That problem would not have been honing it would have been edge chipping (dulling), this is why the worn out quarter hollows you mentioned dull so quickly and why you want to chunk them into the display case instead of using them. As far as the resistance to forward motion (the stiction) during the hone, I haven't really noticed a .030" (less than a 1/32") bevel sticking to the hone with undo force. Neither those who own them nor I seem to have had much difficulty maintaining them, and that in the end is the point. If you don't like the design that's fine my effort here was not to change your mind on that point but rather to point out the wide bevel was by design and not an error as some have maintained. Because I have no desire to simply argue I'll leave it at that.