For three years I've patiently been watching ebay in hopes of snaring a Zowada SR, I was getting pretty depressed with the rising price of the razors at Classic Shaving...they were getting further and further out of my budget, and I was so sure the bidding would break $1000 or higher with TZ's now going for $1500 to $2500, so I didn't have high hopes. I almost got it for $250 but someone put a last second bid in driving it up to $616(I'll bet it was a SRP member). Either way, I now have to figure out how to keep my wife from finding out how much I spent or she'll use a part of my anatomy as a human strop.

I suspect the razor is an earlier piece, 4/8 half hollow with what appears to be Cocobolo scales. The seller claimed it was from the estate of a collector(anyone know anything about that?) I sent photos to Tim asking if he could give me a history on the razor but have not heard back from him yet. I'd welcome any feedback.