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Thread: George Brittain 9/8 straight razor

  1. #1
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    Default George Brittain 9/8 straight razor

    I scored this blade a couple of days ago. Now I am waiting for its arrival. Of course I have been doing research and I found the one that Undream had restored. I love the folklore and conspiracy theories surrounding the GB and the usage of the anchor. I have to say that I paid more than I wanted to for it but next time I have to enter my highest bid with 5 seconds left instead of 12. I watched the price dramatically jump twice before it was over. 6 seconds is along time..LOL

    I think this will be the first blade that I send out for a complete restoration

    Very Early Straight Razor with Horn Handle ca. 1780-1840 - Marked with Anchor, Cross & GB
    This is a very old straight razor with unique markings and the thick barber style professional blade. Handle is made of horn and markings are a cross, anchor and GB. My research leads me to believe this razor was made by George Brittain, most likely in the very early 1800's, but could be in the range of 1780 - 1840. The handle has some damage, blade looks undamaged with out repairs. There has been some oxidation and such. I don't know anything about it, my husband picked it up at an antique show and was just covered with all kinds of, well lets just say some unpleasant kind of stuff. He worked on it for about and hour and the results are what you see in the photos. Blade length including tang is about 5 7/8" and it is about 1 1/8" wide at widest point of blade.

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    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 12-31-2012 at 04:09 AM. Reason: OP's request

  2. #2
    Member Hopper's Avatar
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    I was watching that one too, but decided to focus on this 7/8" instead... not sure if it is a mistake or not. The seller calimed it is just "build up dirt" not rust. I can not let a Tally-Ho like this one go...

    Name:  $(KGrHqEOKiUE6UoeOU1QBPsFlOVZ0!~~60_3.jpg
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    Last edited by Hopper; 05-23-2012 at 12:25 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hopper View Post

    I was watching that one too, but decided to focus on this 7/8" instead... not sure if it is a mistake or not. The seller calimed it is just "build up dirt" not rust. I can not let a Tally-Ho like this one go...

    Name:  $(KGrHqEOKiUE6UoeOU1QBPsFlOVZ0!~~60_3.jpg
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    Great score yourself. the pic is a little dark so I can't really tell what the surface looks like. Hopefully it's some light surface rust. It looks dark and charred, kinda like asphalt or BBQ gone wrong. I would start to sand with some course 3M emery cloth 03008 to cut through that top layer to get back down to bare metal. it won't be a mirror finish but it would be one step towards restoring that hefty blade. There's enough write ups on how to restore so I won't bore you with what you might already know. i'd def be interested in seeing the process though

    Good luck!

    Cheetah Meat

  4. #4
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hopper View Post

    I was watching that one too, but decided to focus on this 7/8" instead... not sure if it is a mistake or not. The seller calimed it is just "build up dirt" not rust. I can not let a Tally-Ho like this one go...

    Name:  $(KGrHqEOKiUE6UoeOU1QBPsFlOVZ0!~~60_3.jpg
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    my hand hurts even thinking about hand sanding that guy... best of luck on returning him to the land of the living!

  5. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    On the GB razor at top, That is nice. How did you arrive at George Brittian? I have heard many opinions on the GB mark as well. I understand that the anchor is indicative of made in Birmingham. Enjoy!

  6. #6
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    WOW! I am fascinated by the GB Anchor razor, I only have one, and can't believe I missed yours LOL but hey, great catch! I have one myself pictured below. Its a 9/8 bellied-hollow. I'm amazed they had the technology to create that grind at or before 1840.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    On the GB razor at top, That is nice. How did you arrive at George Brittian? I have heard many opinions on the GB mark as well. I understand that the anchor is indicative of made in Birmingham. Enjoy!
    I made a spelling mistake. The last name is Brittain. I arrived at this finding from various other posts right here on SRP. I am by no means an expert. Calling it a "GB" is also fine by me.

    maybe it was this one.

    or maybe this one


    or even this

    I like to do my research, especially on huge razors.


    Cheetah Meat
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  8. #8
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    But of course! The links seem to be inconclusive as well (seen them!) . Nice GB Razor, to be certain! Enjoy!

  9. #9
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  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to manah For This Useful Post:

    cheetahmeatpheonix (05-28-2012), sharptonn (05-26-2012)

  11. #10
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffieldlover View Post
    I'm amazed they had the technology to create that grind at or before 1840.
    They didn't - the regrind is most likely done much later.
    sharptonn and Wullie like this.

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