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Thread: Honoring R.P. Hobson - Medal of Honor Recipient – Atlantic Cutlery

  1. #1
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    Default Honoring R.P. Hobson - Medal of Honor Recipient – Atlantic Cutlery

    Here I am, a yearling at heart with grand plans to restore like a pro. I've been buying too much "ebay" and scrambling to fill my depleted PayPal ACH. And you've probably saying, "oh yeah, been there-done that".
    Well, now I have a historical diversion I'm chasing with a recent purchase.
    Name:  Hobson.jpg
Views: 771
Size:  94.8 KB The engraved or stamped says, "Our Hero Richmond Pearson Hobson at Santiago June 5th 1898" and on the reverse is etched "Hobson LXX".
    Come to find out, Lt. Hobson was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for sinking the Merrimac the day celebrated on the engraved Atlantic Cutlery razor. I found a tops trading card with Rear Admiral Hobson posed with a image of the sinking Merrimac and a book he authored entitled "Sinking of the Merrimac" Richmond Pearson Hobson 1899 Naval Morro Castle Santiago.You are now probably saying, "got two or three of those in my display case. So what?" Well.....can anyone help me figure out if the thing is worth anything and what the etching Hobson LXX means in the world of razors?

  2. #2
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamBarrick View Post
    Well.....can anyone help me figure out if the thing is worth anything
    Can't tell you what Hobson LXX means but can tell you we don't do valuations on SRP.
    Re check the site rules. SRP rules of conduct - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Havachat45 likes this.

  3. #3
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I don't know what it means in the world of razors, but I do know that LXX = 70 and a few moments on Google tells me Hobson was born in 1870
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    As onimaru55 already mentioned we don't do valuation on SRP. But I think it's great razor and you can enjoy it after honing
    You can polish it or leave as is... It must to be great razor with history)

  5. #5
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    Might be an Imperial Razor. Seems they did a series of commemorative Razors.

    Imperial Razor - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    I found one honoring Admiral Dewey of the same war.

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