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Thread: Estate sale score

  1. #1
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    Default Estate sale score

    So this morning I received an email from my father in law titled simply check out the last photo. The last photo had 3 shoe boxes full of Straights....Needless to say I popped right out of bed and got the wife and kiddo up to check out the sale. When I got there my heart fell a bit. Most of the razors were toast
    Wade and Butchers so abused by hone wear they were crying to be put out of their misery... An Ator that should have been a crown jewel, but instead sat there black with a frowning crumbling edge... 2 Cattaraugus that well I just dont want to talk about...the list went on...Eventually I found a Genco that's blade had been covered in grease and was very well preserved ($14), a $5 basket case early pipe razor and a Joseph Rodgers masquerading as a Depews ($25)????

    after a little 400grit wet dry I am digging the patina left on the JR and the GW Pipe

    Anyone have any info on the JR? I have never seen one like this. I thought it was a Depews until I sanded a little!! lol

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    I like the Long monkey tail
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  3. #3
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    They're really cool. Love the patina too. Why is the Pipe a basket case? I've seen a few Joseph Rodgers razors that look like a De Pews. My De Pews has way more of a hump on top of the tang, a curved top surface to the spine and a very pronounced French point. Have you seen the original Patent and drawing for the De Pews? It's very interesting, I've posted a cropped picture of the .pdf file.

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    alb1981 and parkerskouson like this.
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  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to carlmaloschneider For This Useful Post:

    alb1981 (08-25-2012), Firefighter2 (08-25-2012), mapleleafalumnus (08-25-2012), parkerskouson (08-26-2012)

  5. #4
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    ahh it was a basket case when I saw it because it was covered in active rust and it was in their basket case pile of $5 razors!

    That diagram is pretty cool. How does your De pews shave?

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Joseph Rodgers did make those long monkey tail De Pews like razors. I don't know which of them originated the design but I've seen both around. More of the De Pews than the Rodgers. Either manah or Neil Miller might be able to shed some light on who was first. Nice razors you got BTW.
    alb1981 likes this.

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  8. #6
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    How does my De Pews shave? Like shit, to be honest. I'm still honing it, really. I hone it, use it for a while, then hone it again. It's not what I'd call shave ready, really, but I keep trying. It's a very nice razor; but needs some work. It's also hard to strop. I love the look of it though, and the look of a thing is more than half the thing.
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  9. #7
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    How does my De Pews shave? Like shit, to be honest. I'm still honing it, really. I hone it, use it for a while, then hone it again. It's not what I'd call shave ready, really, but I keep trying. It's a very nice razor; but needs some work. It's also hard to strop. I love the look of it though, and the look of a thing is more than half the thing.
    I think they shave like wedges, even though they are hollow.. Once you dial it iin anyway... I do like the nimblness of the blade, i am just not fond of a wedge shave.. I like the feedback of a hollow.

  10. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Love that pipe razor.
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  11. #9
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    The Pipe razor is very cool. I have one with a lot of hone wear, so the bevel is bigger than I am used to. I was ready to give up on it when I was setting that bevel, but it finally came around, and it is now a fine shaver. Yours will look much nicer than mine. I also like that J. Rogers. Very nice and unique. Great finds.
    alb1981 likes this.

  12. #10
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    I think they shave like wedges, even though they are hollow.. Once you dial it iin anyway... I do like the nimblness of the blade, i am just not fond of a wedge shave.. I like the feedback of a hollow.
    Sorry to be going a little off topic. My De Pews is quite wedgy; not a true wedge but getting there. I don't think I've seen a lot of true wedges. That Joseph Rogers is definitely a larger blade.

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