Quote Originally Posted by Suile View Post
I should have took picture of each one before i started.....snip...
they where really really bad.
This is good learning for me.
They are of really nice steel though.
the cost of my new dremel and blades.
so far each one that's saveable has cost less then 5 bucks. now that i have idea how to clean rust off.
i get it off a few other blades i bought dirt cheap cause
they had a little rust.
Now i will just have to learn how to make nice scales.
To derust:
Take each blade, one by one at a time and soak it in white distilled vinegar for no more than ten minutes at a time. Take it out of the vinegar and use a small wire brush on it or a toothbrush. Then use the brush with liquid dish soap on the razor. This will neutralize the acid. Rinse well and then dry the blade carefully. It may take a few tries the\\o get to the bottom of the rust but it is better to do so before sanding! And can save a lot of time.!
Be sure to read the Wiki:
[URL-http://straightrazorpalace.com/srpwiki/index.php/Category:Repair_%26_Restoration] Repair and Restoration[/URL]
Above all, have fun!