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Thread: F Fenney and a most unusual WB

  1. #1
    Senior Member ScienceGuy's Avatar
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    Default F Fenney and a most unusual WB

    Just got some razors in. First up is another tapered razor, dated to ~1840 (thanks Voidmonster). It has a worn etching "An Excellent Razor" and is marked Fred-k Fenney Sheffield. Just some light cleaning and then honing to do.

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    I got this one for its curiosity. It's a standard enough 1820s razor stamped patent tempered steel, but it's got a wade and butcher stamp on the top of the spine. I've never seen a WB stamped like this. Does anyone else have an example of a maker mark on the very top of the spine?

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    The frown is nasty though. It's a wedge so it's beyond my experience for fixing. I'm thinking of sending it to Undream for a regrind.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've seen W&Bs with the stamping on the top, also with a diamond grind on top and the stamping on one of the flats. Few and far between but I've seen 'em.

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