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Thread: Three Kamisori

  1. #1
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    Default Three Kamisori

    Less than a month ago, I decided to get a new razor with a fixed handle. I mostly used a Feather AC and a DE, but was itching to try a Feather AC SS in a Japanese style. Ended up getting these instead...




    I have another Henkotsu on the way as I really like the grind geometry. The Iwasaki/Mizuochi is fairly pretty, and has a good reputation, but something about it...perhaps its popularity...bugs me. The Tosuke isn't shave-ready and I haven't done much more than forearm and knuckle mowing with the others, so I can't comment on performance.

    Still haven't bothered to order that new Feather yet...

  2. #2
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    Those are some nice razors I really like the Iwasaki. The handles on the other two just do not really fit the style.

  3. #3
    Poor Fit
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    Definately some fine razors there. Enjoy em

  4. #4
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    I have some kami's as of my biggest favourites is the custom one I had done by Brian Brown.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by insanity View Post
    Those are some nice razors I really like the Iwasaki. The handles on the other two just do not really fit the style.
    Part of me agrees and another part doesn't care because the handles do a very good job. The rattan around the Iwasaki doesn't seem to be terribly practical, even if it has a better aesthetic. Hope to find a more beautiful way to treat the handles, but the ugly blue defaults are very functional.
    Quote Originally Posted by sleekandsmooth View Post
    I have some kami's as of my biggest favourites is the custom one I had done by Brian Brown.
    I emailed Mr. Brown about a possible razor but he never replied. I'm a little reluctant to go the custom route, but I was curious what could be worked out. For now I'm enjoying what I have.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tierdaen View Post
    Part of me agrees and another part doesn't care because the handles do a very good job. The rattan around the Iwasaki doesn't seem to be terribly practical, even if it has a better aesthetic. Hope to find a more beautiful way to treat the handles, but the ugly blue defaults are very functional.
    As long as I have been looking at Kami's I have seen those "ugly blue defaults" lol. So naturally, I have kind of grown fond of them, especially because I understand they are functional and I don't like those narrow handles.

    Of course I have never had one with those handles, so I say all of this from the "internet pro" perspective lol. That said i did this to the handle on mine not liking the narrow handle:

    Name:  finish.jpg
Views: 798
Size:  30.3 KB

    It's nothing more than a couple rounded pieces of balsa wrapped in waxed leather string. Works great btw.

    Thanks for the thread - I have never given my Kami an honest go - even thought about trading it here lately ! Think I'll hone it up and give it a good week or two worth of shaves lol.
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  7. #7
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    Nice looking razor, David. Who made it?

    I've considered doing a string wrap, but haven't really looked for waxed cotton to do it with. With the Henkotsu, the handle seems like it may be glued on, which makes replacement something requiring commitment.

    My first shave with the razors went badly since I was trying to apply Feather AC technique to it. After a bit of adapting, shave #3 turned out alright. I'm pretty optimistic about future shaves. I have only used the Henkotsu and Iwasaki, but they're both pretty nice (a bit to my chagrin; I was hoping the Iwasaki would disappoint so I could resell it).

    Good luck honing and trying your kamisori!
    Last edited by Tierdaen; 01-12-2013 at 11:44 AM.

  8. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I think you are right in that they are glued. From what I have read, they weren't in the past but they are now. I believe they do this in order to prevent water going up between the handle and the grip.

    LOL - hoping to dislike your blade so you can justify the sale, is hilarious! Sir! You have it bad !!

    Mine is a no name job...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    LOL - hoping to dislike your blade so you can justify the sale, is hilarious! Sir! You have it bad !!

    Mine is a no name job...
    Too bad about the razor. Reminds me a bit of a Takami or Kanetake, though the latter always has a mei (maker's mark), I think.

    I don't really want to sell the Iwasaki...but it just strikes me as a bit of a poser blade. Every guy with a fat wallet and a bushido/Japanese schoolgirl fetish will get one because they are widely available and promoted as "the best". Was hoping I could unleash my hidden hipster and reject their mainstream BS, but noooooo it's actually pretty sweet...from my limited experience with it at least.

    The ura of the Henkotsu is a bit messy, though I still love the shape. Forgive the bad pic:
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