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Thread: I*XL
02-09-2013, 05:32 AM #1
I picked this up on ebay, it came shave ready and I just had a shave with it, very nice so I'm really happy.
It has horn scales and looks like 1 pin was replaced as the bottom has stacked washers. The stamp is quite hard to see I tried to get a pic as best I could with my only camera which is my phone. The stamp says "I-XL, Geo. Wostenholm & Son, Sheffield Eng."
I'm trying to work out how old it is, I checked thisand to me it looks like the 1830-1845 tail. Also it doesn't have the pipe on it or any mention of Washington works. Can anyone give me a good idea of how old it is?
02-09-2013, 05:50 AM #2
Nice grab, but I'd have to disagree on the tail. I'm pretty sure the second line says "Sheffield, England." That would place the production much later.
02-09-2013, 08:27 PM #3
02-09-2013, 08:27 PM #4
Yep. I see an 'England' putting it post 1893 (or 1896? can't remember). The maker's mark is also etched rather than stamped, which was typically done later. The tail, width of the tang, and stabilizers with the hollow ground are also typical of late 1800s - early 1900s razors. Will still be a fine shaver though.
02-09-2013, 08:30 PM #5
Thanks I guess I was just seeing what I wanted to see lol.
Love how knowledgable you guys are!