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Thread: A interesting day that ended okay with a new razor
03-02-2013, 09:46 PM #1
A interesting day that ended okay with a new razor
Aloha SRP,
I went on a day trip today to Skopje, Macedonia with the main mission of purchasing a razor I saw a few weeks a ago at a Antique Shop in the Old Town Bazaar. I had a good day but was surrounded by a protest and ended up downwind from the tear gas twice.
Because this happened yesterday 03.01.2013, Macedonia Protest Against Defence Minister Turns Violent :: Balkan Insight
Attack on ethnic Albanians - CNN iReport this happened today 03.02.2013, Unrest Grips Macedonia Capital For Second Day :: Balkan Insight and it was right in the area I visited.
I persevered and got the razor, it is a 8/8 near wedge, Cross GB Anchor stamped razor. Here are some pictures sorry in advance for the quality of the pics. I was to lazy to use my point and shoot, so I used my iDevice.
It has a fat spine and the blade is in pretty decent shape. There is at least a bevel on the edge it will cut arm hair still. The scales are trashed, I think they are black horn. I have read most of the treads I can find for razors with these stamps, there seems to be a debate or uncertainty with regards to the manufacturer. Does anyone know exactly who made it and its approximately age? I am debating on trying to start sanding it up, but I have limited resources. I will probably leave this restore to a pro. I would like to have it restored as close to period correct original as possible. Do you all think she will clean up okay? I was also given a old loom strop by the shop owner Vladimir, it will need new hide to be useable again. Thanks for looking.Aloha,
The Following User Says Thank You to dustoff003 For This Useful Post:
Hirlau (03-03-2013)
03-03-2013, 02:27 AM #2
I thinks she's a nice grab;I would send it out to one of our Pros for a restore. Those Anchors seem hard to come by.
.........nothing like a little Full Metal Jacket, to help get you through a protest.
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dustoff003 (03-03-2013)
03-03-2013, 03:13 AM #3
Do a forum search for George Brittain. That was the name of the mfg and IIRC there is quite a bit of info about him. Great lengths to go through to risk life and limb for a vintage GB anchor. Well done !
The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:
dustoff003 (03-03-2013)
03-03-2013, 03:15 AM #4
Nice find, and heck of a story behinde it, one to share with the grandkids....
Any specific plans for the restore yet?Last edited by pfries; 03-03-2013 at 05:10 AM.
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dustoff003 (03-03-2013)
03-03-2013, 03:46 AM #5
very nice grab ... !!! im jealous !!!
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dustoff003 (03-03-2013)
03-03-2013, 10:12 PM #6
Thanks Guys!
I plan on having it professionally restored. I knew it was old and hard to come by like you said, that made me want it more, I was not leaving with out it. I also have the shop owners email and he said he will let me know if he comes across other razors in the future.
Will do thanks Jimmy. I did not feel threatened or that my life was in danger but it was a experience none the less. If I would have had my gas mask in my backpack I could have completed my annual qualification.
Yeah I will not forget the day I got that razor. I hope to have kids period yet alone grandkids, the wife and I will continue to try upon my return home. I plan on having it restored by a pro to be period correct and as close to original as possible.
Thank you sir. I first saw it a few weeks ago and knew I had to go back and get it. Nothing like day dreaming about a razor for two weeks... I might have to find a RAD anonymous meeting.Aloha,
03-03-2013, 10:43 PM #7
Tear gas? That's a FAR CRY from what I ever have to go through to gain a new razor :P
Congrats on your new acquisition, it will look fantastic after a good clean up.
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dustoff003 (03-03-2013)
04-11-2013, 06:14 PM #8
Well everybody if you have not seen this thread yet this is how my GB turned out,
Many thanks to mycarver for the great restoration!Aloha,