So.....we've all been there when we are new, right? Asking about tape or no tape or the geometry issues that may or may not happen when using tape, all to be told search for it in the search bar. Or we give a response that is a link to another thread. I get it. Most, if not all, of the veterans on this site are sick of tape threads. Not because the person asking it or that we are unwilling to answer or help, its just that there is a butt load of them and it feels like we're saying the same thing over and over again.

So here is my proposal. We make tape threads their own thread category. All tape threads compiled under one list. If some one has a question about taping, boom, it is now in an easy to find location. No needing to use the search bar or any of the sort. No clogging of the honing section with tape threads.

What do you guys think?