^^^ Nah, I thought so originally myself. However, I found myself in the position to be able to see both sides as my Wife was active with a couple female FB Groups for Shaving... Despite privacy/Invite Only they still rarely posted, Threads came up and quickly faded and they appeared 100% as timid and seemingly reluctant when discussing physical details EXACTLY as they did here!!

Any apparent negatives attributed here to male participation/"cutting up" is absolutely incorrect or, at best, wholly inaccurate as they literally did it exactly the same in a Women-Only Forum

Anybody that disagrees feel free to check for yourself as I was surprised, completely, that it had absolutely zero to do with Guys or any of their shenanigans.

Obviously, we have a higher standard that must be maintained in a Gentleman's Forum such as this... But, the yoke of guilt need not be borne on this one. And, I think the only thing that will help is consolidation like they are doing now... Women that are comfortable will postnright along with guys... Women who are uncomfortable (.. the seeming majority..) just are not going to be comfortable... Or, perhaps a better word is "interested"... Maybe we just have a hard time with someone showing little interest in something we find so cool ??