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Thread: Archive Private Messages?

  1. #1
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Default Archive Private Messages?

    I want to clean out my INBOX, but there are some messages I'd like to save in
    a separate folder.

    Is it possible to create a personal Archive folder and then move INBOX messages
    into it? If so, how?

    Thanks in advance.

    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
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  3. #2
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulKidd View Post
    I want to clean out my INBOX, but there are some messages I'd like to save in
    a separate folder.

    Is it possible to create a personal Archive folder and then move INBOX messages
    into it? If so, how?

    Thanks in advance.

    Ck your email here in a bit.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Ck your email here in a bit.
    If the email you sent PaulKidd is instruction on how to store messages in a manner that keeps them outside the 500 count, I would also like to know. I tried a while back and didn't have much luck.
    cudarunner and Gasman like this.
    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

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    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diboll View Post
    If the email you sent PaulKidd is instruction on how to store messages in a manner that keeps them outside the 500 count, I would also like to know. I tried a while back and didn't have much luck.
    As most or at least many know--I'm a Mastodon with this computer Shite! I only sent him something to play with as when I did what I did it only 'semi' worked. I'm hoping that he can figure it out much better than I can.

    IF I had been able to successfully do what I thought I could do--then I'd have posted Everything for Everybody.

    I hope he's smarter than I am with these Technological Terrors than I am!

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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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  8. #5
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I hope he's smarter than I am with these Technological Terrors than I am!
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    He ain't. Thanks for hoping, Roy.
    cudarunner, jfk742 and Gasman like this.
    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
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  9. #6
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diboll View Post
    If the email you sent PaulKidd is instruction on how to store messages in a manner that keeps them outside the 500 count, I would also like to know. I tried a while back and didn't have much luck.
    That's exactly what I want to do, but I want to keep the Archive on this
    Personal Messages page. Roy's method works, but the Archive is in the
    documents folder on your computer. It's retrievable, but it's a PITA.
    Last edited by PaulKidd; 05-07-2019 at 02:33 AM. Reason: typo
    cudarunner and Gasman like this.
    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
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  11. #7
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    When you look on the left side in the private messages there's a link 'Edit Folders'.
    You can create more folders and move messages there but they all count to the overall limit of 500, including those in your 'Sent' folder.

    Myself - I periodically go over and remove the less important messages to free up space. For example if I go back and forth with someone a few times I usually quote the previous messages, so I delete the oldest ones and keep the newest which contains all the previous ones within it anyways. This way I essentially remove stuff that is duplicate.

    If that doesn't work there is also the other option to select some messages and download them as a file/archive on your computer. You select them with the checkboxes and on the bottom there is a menu 'Selected Messages' that has options to download them as CSV, TXT, or XML file.

    I can also increase the total limit a bit, but as long as it's something sensible it'll be the same issue when one reaches it.
    cudarunner, Dieseld and Gasman like this.

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    cudarunner (05-07-2019), Dieseld (05-07-2019), Gasman (05-07-2019), jfk742 (05-08-2019), PaulKidd (05-07-2019)

  13. #8
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Thank you, Gugi.

    OK. So, the only way to "reduce the count" is to either move them off-site
    or delete them altogether.

    Fair enough.
    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
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  15. #9
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    No worries. I also increased the limit from 500 to 700.

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  17. #10
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    No worries. I also increased the limit from 500 to 700.
    That helps a lot. I have already gone through and done as you suggested and deleted all I could plus use reply to PM and keep only the latest. When that runs out I'll resort to downloading as text.

    Thank You Sir
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    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

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