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Thread: new SOTD person

  1. #21
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Well Mark taking over, everyone better get their kit in order...may try to post some more SOTD's, still just so hard to go through and see the hundreds of razors I want and don't need, the old, "Want it, want it, got it, got it, Oh My Gawd!" - which usually happens by the time I hit Sharpton's SOTD.

    Next SOTD for me, post a nice razor by something even more rare - an RTX 3060 Graphics card...that'll win for sure!
    celticcrusader and STF like this.

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  3. #22
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Top shelf Mark! Thanks for stepping up to keep the SOTD current and running.
    Guess we better start taking pictures with the razor parked on the left side of the sink if we want be considered for feature creature status..
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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    markbignosekelly (06-02-2021)

  5. #23
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Congratulations, Mark, thanks for keeping the SOTD alive and kicking.
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  7. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Thanks chaps, your right Phrank, drooling over sotd has been the bane of my bank balance, and let's not get started on the many soaps and creams I now have because of Obie first teir thread
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  8. #25
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Good stuff, but if it's you again tomorrow...
    It's the thread that I always browse first thing, so glad to hear Mark has taken the reins.
    rolodave and Gasman like this.
    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Grazor For This Useful Post:

    markbignosekelly (06-02-2021)

  10. #26
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I think the folks from the Commonwealth could consider putting into work some of those colourful notes featuring the queen's image, although I guess aussies would have to quadruple the amount

  11. #27
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    I had forgotten about the Queen's English....
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    Semper Fi !


  12. #28
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I think the folks from the Commonwealth could consider putting into work some of those colourful notes featuring the queen's image, although I guess aussies would have to quadruple the amount
    Oh God, here we go with 'spanners' 'tyres' etc!Name:  no see smily.gif
Views: 73
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    I worked with an Aussie and it took quite a time to figure out what tools etc he wanted.

    Off Topic But I am part Scot so-----------------------

    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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    rolodave (06-03-2021)

  14. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Thanks Mark.

  15. #30
    STF is offline
    Senior Member blabbermouth STF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Oh God, here we go with 'spanners' 'tyres' etc!Name:  no see smily.gif
Views: 73
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    I worked with an Aussie and it took quite a time to figure out what tools etc he wanted.
    When I first got to Canada from England half of what i said meant nothing to the locals.

    My shopping went in the boot, my engine was under the bonnet.

    I asked for a spanner and got blank looks, mole grips caused general hilarity and if you need to go don't even think of asking where the loo is unless your not in any hurry. I still don't know what Stilsons are called here.

    Am I the only person in N America that has a tow ball on their car?

    Asking my wife why she had a strop on or asking why she had the hump would usually make my Canadian wife smile.

    I went to Niagara Falls when I first got here and went to a restaurant, sat out on the patio and ordered pizza and chips from the menu. They bought pizza and a packet of crisps. I thought at the time, what do you have to do to get a plate of chips here, draw pictures?

    I still have to translate some of the things that are said on Coronation Street for my neighbor and the Full Monty was a complete mystery to some of my American friends.

    I can't tell you how many times I went to get something only to be told I don't have enough because the tax was extra. What the hell is that all about, why can't the tax be included in the shelf price like it is in the UK or petrol here?

    One last question, Why is 10c smaller than 5c. That's is not the way my head works and even now sometimes makes me look like a tourist when I try to pay with the right change.
    - - Steve

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