I've debated all day on whether or not to post this but what the hell.
Worst case scenario a mod decides to suppress my information
(Snaggletooth snicker)

Quote Originally Posted by Xman
...Sure I lose my Building 7 thread which is convenient suppression of information...

Just for the record, it went down something like this.


It’s a pleasant Friday afternoon at the Abrams household.

Telephone rings. Abrams answers

LYNN: Hello?
Voice on Phone: Please hold for the President

Close-up on LYNN silently mouthing “Yeah, right!!”

GWB: Lynn?......Dubya here…..how y’all doin’ today?....haven’ a nice day???

LA: Uh……uh…….yes sir…..Mr. President, sir
GWB: Well, good!....Lynn….I’m gonna cut right to the chase, here. That forum thing y’all got….that ‘Shaving’ forum….(damndest thing I EVER did hear of….lot of old guys talkin’ ‘bout SHAVIN’, for pete’s sake!). Well, we got no problem with you guys talkin’ ‘bout SHAVING, but that there OFF-TOPIC forum, ya’know, where ya’ll can just talk about ANYTHING……well, we just can’t be havin’ that, now can we?

LA: [silence]

GWB: Lynn??.....Lynn…..y’all still there??....

LA: uh…..yessir…..

GWB: I said ‘…we just can’t be havin’ that, now can we?”

LA: Uhhh….well, sir, it’s the ultimate expression of Freedom of Speech….it’s a group of disparate individuals exchanging views on a wide range of

GWB: (sputtering in irritation) Now, now, Lynn….don’t y’all be givin’ me that ‘Freedom of Speech’ speech…..hell….you guys are talkin’ ‘bout some stuff that’s just down right DANGEROUS!!!!! Take that ‘Building 7’ thread, started by that pissant little Canadian…..now, we just can’t be HAVIN’ that kind of talk….no, sir….just won’t do AT ALL!! Them guys got it ALL figgered’ out, and the global military/industrial/petro-chemical complex (you know…..the guys I answer to!)….well, I’m here to tell you….they ain’t happy with that thread ONE LEETLE BIT!!!

LA: ….ummmm….you’re kidding, sir?.....

GWB: KIDDING??!!! Y’all hear me LAUGHIN’ now, do ya, son”??......Well, DO YA”????

LA: uhhhh…..nossir!

GWB: Damn straight!....I’m dead serious here…..serious as a damn heart attack…..ya’ll gotsta DO sumthin’ ’bout that there cornspiracy thread, and I mean PRONTO now, ya’hear???

LA…..well, sir, I can’t just shut it down without a reason, sir….

GWB: Awwww, HELL, Lynn…..reasons are EASY….sheeet, I went down to I-raq and kicked some SERIOUS butt an’ I dint have no REASON…..we just gotta make sumtin’ UP…..now, I got a coupla my best men down there on that there forum of yours …

LA: On MY forum?????

GWB: Hell, yes!.....surprised, are ya’, Lynn???....HOMELAND SECURITY…..we had that buried deep in there…..I got guys on ALL the shaving forums…..now, lemme see here [papers rustling in background]…..Straight Razor Place….helluva name you got there, Lynn…..any GAY guys??...yuk (snort) yuk (snort) yuk (snort)….here it is….Straight Razor Place….my guys are JMS and Jonedangerousli ….two a my best men….I’ll just have them start a little ruckus, and you tell your guys to just ‘Shut ‘em down’, and that’ll be that….and that way, we can just keep our little secret….OK?

LA: ummmm….I don’t know, sir…..

GWB: Now, Lynn…..don’t you be fightin’ me on this…..I got your last 15 years worth of Tax Returns a sittin’ on my desk, and I gotta a couple of mad-dog IRS agents justa frothin’ at the mouth…..now, Lynn….I really don’t wanna let the reins loose, now, y’hear?


GWB: Good!....now, I’ll let my men know what the deal is, and as soon as they get started, well, you just shut that thread down….hell, take down that whole Off-Topic thing, anyway….ain’t NO-ONE should just be able to talk about any ol’ thing that just pops into their leetle head…..damdest thing I EVER heard of!


GWB: Good…..I’m glad we had this here little chat, Lynn….ya’all have a nice day, now.

