And that's a pretty reasonable suggestion. I've actually had suggestions from other users that they don't like the full size images in the posts, as they're to big for their screens.. So mabye we need to reduce the size of the main image, and do away with thumbnails altogether.

We'll certainly find the middle ground for everyone, that makes as many people thrilled as possible.. Image sizes are first on my agenda as soon as I finish the last of this major upgrade cycle..

Thanks for all of your suggestions, I like as much feedback from the community as possible. Even if I can't make everyone happy with the outcome, I like to try.


Quote Originally Posted by chancecatalyst View Post
I use Flickr just because I already have an account there, and I've never had any problems. I understand the precautions (well, the concept of them, the nitty-gritty details of bandwidth and such might still escape me), but I truly hope that such a change is temporary. Sticking with the example of the razor club pages, I really feel it detracts from the fun having to click on every picture. I've already heard matching concerns from someone on dialup, and I thought at first people with slow connections might be the ones to benefit from this/partly the reason for it. As much as I hate to make a suggestion that might lead to you keeping this change, perhaps use larger thumbnails?
