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  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Exclamation Classifieds is switching to moderated

    Hi Guys,

    David is switching the Classifieds to moderated. This is presently done to make sure no best offer ads get posted, and to have some quality control over the ads.
    The classifieds system is something that was made by a third party, and there are a couple of things that are not the way we want, like the inability to disallow best offer ads, or to archive sold items for future reference.

    This means someone has to approve ads: anyone of the moderators / supers or admins can do this.
    David tells me there are about 10 ads per day, which should not be a big burden on moderators.
    I've asked the mods and supers that when they come online, they just make a visit to the classifieds to see if anything needs looking at. This means that any new ad should be online within a couple of hours.

    I realize that not everybody will be happy with this change (including us) but presently this is the only way to make sure no best offer ads are posted, and that ads meet the minimum quality requirements.
    Hopefully, our requests for changes to the classifieds system are looked at so that we can change this back.

    If we have more flexibility in the classifieds configuration, we could disallow best offer, and perhaps configure moderation policy so that only the first n ads need approval or something like that...
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    jnich67 (12-07-2008), WireBeard (12-08-2008)

  3. #2
    Member Photoguy67's Avatar
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    please excuse my ignorance, but what is wrong with "best offer" ads?
    Just curious.

  4. #3
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    The major reason we don't want best offer ads is twofold:
    - it allows people to take advantage of newbies who might make wildly inaccurate bids and pay way too much
    - it allows people to post a bunch of junk without having any clue about its worth, just for making a profit.

    By disallowing best offer we force people to know what they are selling, or not to sell at all.
    we also protect newbies from getting ripped off.
    We realize that this hurts the bottom line of those wanting to make an easy buck. But that is secondary to maintaining a place of openness and a quality standard.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    Photoguy67 (12-07-2008)

  6. #4
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    First of all, thank you for that. I think it is an excellent idea. Couple of notes, though:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    - it allows people to post a bunch of junk without having any clue about its worth, just for making a profit.
    I do not know whether this is feasible, but I would like to suggest again that the submission form be altered. I really like this guide: eBay Guides - Selling Straight Razors - something like that would make a nice template. Rationale being that ads would become uniform, and therefore more easily comparable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    we also protect newbies from getting ripped off.
    Indeed. I have noticed a number of suspicious looking razors creeping into the ads, and at interesting prices. So, again, thank you.

  7. #5
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    Outstanding! The Best Offer- is absolute nonsense. If you are selling an item-YOU KNOW how much money you want for it. STOP the BS. IMO. selling an item for the best offer does nothing but benefit the seller-IT'S EBAY without the FEE'S.

  8. #6
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Though this is more work for the Mods.... it's a step in the right direction..
    Hope you guys find a way to automate this soon, so you can devote your time to more important things.

    I suppose it would help if, like spam, the rest of the community can "chip in".


  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by smythe View Post
    I suppose it would help if, like spam, the rest of the community can "chip in".
    Coming back to my theory about the icon designer's mental capacities, I would like to draw your attention to the tiny little exclamation mark. It will do the chipping for you, if you ask it nicely.

    Dave, can you add text to those icons, please?

  10. #8
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Best offer is not the only way newbies get ripped off.

    Not too long ago someone was selling razors for more than twice the price of the exact same razor for sale by one of SRP's sponsors. I know of one newbie who fell for it and he certainly felt ripped off.

    There have also been razors put up for sale by new members who chose to identify razors as shave ready despite having no clue what that meant.

    Will moderators have any influence on ads such as these?

  11. #9
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    Dave, can you add text to those icons, please?
    I know it was mentioned, it's third party system, but just a suggestion... if possible... make the icons a little bigger so us "senior citizens" wont easily miss them... OR (this may be a tall order) like the familiar “Quote” and "Thanks” buttons.

  12. #10
    Senior Member ByronTodd's Avatar
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    If they pass by moderation, just use the report post button (there is one in the Classifieds as well), and it will be reviewed for accuracy.

    We don't intend to be heavy handed with moderation and certainly everyone has a right to ask what they feel their item is worth, but newbies selling items will be at least reviewed.

    Please remember that we are still working on this - we want it to be better, but sometimes we are limited by what the software allows. (I still want an archive!!!)

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