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  1. #1
    Senior Member slipangle's Avatar
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    Default How do I go about purchasing an item from the classifieds?

    Hey Mods,

    Quick question for ya. Apologies if it's been covered elsewhere, I honestly must've missed it.

    How do I buy stuff from the classifieds?

    I mean the exact process. I press the "Buy it Now" button and it is about to send me to pay. Cool.

    But who am I paying exactly? Is this a sort of escrow service, or is it just hooking me up with the seller's paypal account directly?

    I feel like a moron asking this, but I'm in the market for my first straight, and I want to be ready when a suitable one is listed! I also don't want to accidentally commit to buying something while trying to figure the system out!

    Thanks for being patient with me!
    (Pre-thanking is a presumptive and underhanded method to get what I want from you, patience!. Thanks!)


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Each item in classifieds is linked to the paypal account of the seller/ By hitting the "BUY IT NOW" button you will be linked to that sellers paypal account. SRP does not hold the money or is in anyway involved with the sale. You and the seller are one on one. SRP simply has this section as a "perk" to its memebers so we can sell and trade in a safe enviorment. Hope this helps.
    Having Fun Shaving

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    You can also PM sellers through the classifieds PM system or the main forums' PM system to set up a buy.

  4. #4
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Yeah, what Mike said.
    The button will just lead you to a shopping cart @ paypal's website where you can proceed to complete the purchase as you'd do with an online merchant. Until you confirm the payment and place the order the sale is not complete and the buy-it button is still available for other guys to click.

    It's a transaction between you and the seller mediated by paypal and the only think that SRP is involved in is that it displays the original ad.

    The sellers don't have to enable this payment option in which case you would want to contact the seller via PM or email and arrange with them the payment. I sometimes do this, as it allows people to ask me questions w/o feeling the pressure that somebody else will click the button before them (it still goes to the first person to commit to purchasing it). Or I can disable the button if somebody tells me they want it but may need to check with their significant other or need short period to arrange the payment.

    It's a pretty friendly place and you shouldn't hesitate to contact the seller and discuss a potential purchase. I think most who have been at this for a while would be more than happy to help you in any way they can.

  5. #5
    Senior Member slipangle's Avatar
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    Thanks a bunch guys, that was just the info I needed.

    I'm one of those guys who doesn't jump in headfirst right off. I make sure to find bottom with a long stick, and THEN jump in headfirst. Keeps my spine straight and functional.

    Now to the part where I actually buy my first.


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