Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
Ah, I wondered if that was the case. I wonder if we could turn the chat link into a dropdown menu including links to "Join Java chat now", "Chat info for #srp on IRC", "How to get into chat using a standalone client", etc
Maybe, but I'd expect to be in the minority of people who would rather set up a client than just load the Java chat. The wiki article is pretty in-depth about connecting, it just took me a minute to find it.

As an I.T. person I've found this to be one of the few forums I frequent where the majority of the members aren't PC gamers/programmers/hardware nerds. That might be my problem. Even if you did set up the search so that you could do "olive oil" +pre to find threads about olive oil pre-shave, I'm not sure if many people would use it.