I love this site and the forums, but have one aggravation ...

It seems as I navigate around within SRP, I constantly find that I am no longer logged in. This is not an issue of timing out, but only seems to occur when I change screens. I can navigate to SRP, then log in, and once I click on classifieds or forums, I look above (top right), and I am not showing as logged in. It doesn't happen on every navigation, but I find that I have to log in several times during the course of a "visit". It is most aggravating when I have keyed in a message to a member, or responded to a classified, or simply trying to post, and I then get the message that says I have to be logged in ... so then I have to re-key my message.

Anyway, if there is something simple I can do to rectify this, it would be appreciated.
