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  1. #21
    JMS is offline
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    Henceforth utopian shall be known as the poster formerly known as Ron...maybe. .

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  3. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Since I have other interests on the internet, and in the name of simplicity, and feeling the approach of the reaper, non-razor type, I am going by a name which allows me to know where/what forums/probable subject an email is dealing with when I receive it. 'saves having to read a few lines and restart my brain into a different pattern while reading.(difficult!)
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
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  4. #23
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    What if you a cool name like Max Power or Steel Savage. Would anybody believe that is you real name and not just a handle?

  5. #24
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    That would feel weird to go by my given name. For some reason, friends and coworkers always felt the need to give me nicknames. "Morty" was my all-time favorite nick. When I was on the sub, my shipmates called me "Moe" (nothing to do with the famous comedian). I've been called "Dee," I've been called "Doc" (I was a certified E.M.T. before I lost my hearing and my initials are M.D.).

    Morty suits me fine.
    Namaste -_-

  6. #25
    Always Learning. nubskillz's Avatar
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    My name might be David, but yet again it might not be.
    I guess that's one of the joys of the internet.

  7. #26
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    You can always refer to me with just "Lord, Almighty" and bring various offerings to please me. I don't mind at all.

  8. #27
    Senior Member SlowRain's Avatar
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    I'm just going to offer an apology to everyone here. When I'm posting on discussion forums or sending PMs, I always use SlowRain. I very, very seldom reveal my real name. I've had one person on a coffee-based discussion forum take exception to that--not to mention the completely misguided trend in some places to use real names in the failed attempt to decrease hostility--but I personally feel uncomfortable using my real name. There are rare occasions when I will, but it's only out of some unavoidable necessity. If it can be avoided, I most certainly avoid it. I am truly sorry if this bothers people, but I see no feasible solution.

    As such, I usually try to refer to people by their usernames as well. Only if they are more commonly known by their real name will I use that instead.

  9. #28
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    You can always refer to me with just "Lord, Almighty" and bring various offerings to please me. I don't mind at all.
    We who know thee have other choice names for thee.

  10. #29
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Why must people insist on getting so hung up on such things ?? It's about shaving and such..not names and minor details.If I met one of you guys in person that would be different....maybe. But wether I know your real name or not is irrelevent until such time as I meet you.Besides I've come to like names such as Obie and Stubear ,why ya'll gotta get so OCD ??? Just sayin I guess,maybe it's just how I was brought up,I'm an older guy so I dunno?? This society is gettin too whiney sheesh. And Gssixgun sounds cool too ! Oh yea...nice ta meetya Ron or not but I'm really okay with Utopian,and also to Morty....I've never been on a sub but I think they are totally cool,20,000 leagues under the sea and Das Boot were two of my favorites as well as Run silent Run Deep...Fire torpedoes !!
    Last edited by Nightblade; 08-14-2010 at 08:14 AM.

  11. #30
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    I'd like to use the same username 'sailor' on few other internet forums i've signed as well but surprisingly there are other sailors in the world too
    What it comes to sailor versus reality i'm in the navy. This year i've had the opportunity to choose (at least until some point) if i want to spend my time at the sea or doing whole other things at the base so i've chosen the latter: Now i could sign up as temporary-ex-sailor or land crab as well.

    I could easily use my real name, but using foreign name on English speaking forum doesn't make it any easier than using sailor.

    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

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