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Thread: Multiquote

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  1. #1
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Mount Torrens, South Australia
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    Default Multiquote

    Is it just me, or do others find that the Multiquote thing goes spastic sometimes???

    Oh, and apparently there's a bunch of ladies from Thailand that have never been married that I can 'meet'. The side banner advert doo-woppies seem to have taken on a life of their own lately...

    Actually, I wouldn't REALLY mind if that Asian lady at the top was married just a FEW times before...

    And the selector thing allows for ages from 18 to 98 as a default setting, that's a bit 'age-ist' isn't it? What wrong with the 99 and 100 year olds? Now I'm looking at it, it says 'I am seeking a woman' (that's a drop down list, I don't really want to look and see what the options are, just in case there's more than two) 'ages: 18 AND 98'. A woman 18 AND 98 might be a bit difficult, unless she's possessed by, like, an older (or younger) woman, or something went amiss with the re-incarnation thing...I guess they're sort of selling the youthful, bubbly personality thing matched with wisdom and incontinence, just to keep things interesting. Many a night I've lain awake wishing for a 98 year old to discuss weaving and rice farming with...Of course I do realise that 98 year old Asian ladies have a much wider skill set, building dams, enriching uranium, learning French are just a few that spring to mind, but I do feel that at 98 one's willingness to teach French, uranium enrichment and dam building might wane a little, hence the weaving and rice farming conversations one is apt to be dragged into....
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 04-02-2012 at 09:24 AM.
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