All this talk in that one Williams thread got me thinking. I resolved to get a puck and give it a go. I had tried a puck of it when I first started using a shaving brush in the early '70s. I couldn't remember how I liked it then, but since I had quit using it, I assumed I must have disliked it. I read where many say it ain't what it used to be and @ $1.77 a puck I wasn't too hopeful.

I finally remembered to grab a puck when I was at my local pharmacy. Now as long as I've been fooling with this sport I've never been completely satisfied with my overall lathering ability. It seems I can get great lather off of some pucks and not others. I've never met a cream that I couldn't generate good lather with, glycerin soaps are fine too, but triple milled stuff, that everyone raves about, seem to be my nemesis.

I doubt if Williams is triple milled, but anyway ....... I put the water on the puck, did other stuff for the requisite 5 minutes and went at it with my cold water and a Simpson Manchurian Polo 10. When I tell you that the lather I generated was as good as any I've ever had from any soap I've encountered I'm not fibbing. So good that I went out and bought another puck. This is not 'old stock' but the current crop of Williams soap.

For slickness and cushion ..... ease of generating lather the stuff was first rate IME. So I am another convert to the Williams fan club and will be continuing to use that in my current soap rotation. Thanks to all of the guys who've posted positive feedback on it that stimulated me to rediscover it.