ok so i used this soap. the scent is somewhat similar to the original martin de candre scent. the coloring is an off white similar to mdc. the lathering is really easy and pleasant. the firmness of this soap is different than martin de candre....MDC is a bit harder and this lucien soap is more croap-like. the steel tin seems nice but the lid is a bit tough to put on and off....not a big deal but i have to get my nails under the lid to almost pry it open. i suppose this would be good for travel since the lid stays on easily without becoming ajar. overall i think this is a nice item to add to one's den. the label is nice but i think a waterproof label would be a bit nicer...i just try to keep the lid away from water. i am not sure if i would replace my mdc with this soap...but i wouldnt blame you if you did.