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Thread: I'm number one!

  1. #311
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    I know that you have decided that it is more "fair" so as to have an unbiased opinion across the board by not openly discussing your thoughts.....but for me, and perhaps it is just me but our methods thus far, only leave me guessing as to what I need to do next. It is the WHY behind your answers, that leads to the secret of formulating.
    I think what we said was that we wouldn't "publicly" discuss a particular set of samples until everyone had finished testing that set of samples (so we didn't bias anyone). I didn't go back and check, but there were only a few public comments on round one, and as I recall none on round two. As soon as everyone finishes testing this round I think we need to "go public" with our thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    The bottom line is, each of you are one Aftershave is going to fit the bill. So in terms of what my job is "here" which is to develop an Aftershave that will have the SRP label on it. My focus is to develop an Aftershave with a broad range of appeal for your particular market. Which is educated, working class men....age range, I'll guess mostly 25 and up, with the majority age range between 40, we'll leave that other part open
    I agree that when it comes to fragrances, one size will never fit all... we should be aiming for a scent that some love, but everyone feels is respectable. I'm guessing all of us testers fit your age profile, but I'm not so sure the average member is as old as we might think... I notice a lot of under 25 members posting lately. (If I get a moment I'll see if the membership database has enough info to draw an accurate conclusion about that.) When I read about different colognes on , the age demographics seemingly make a difference... there's lots of comments to the effect that "it smells like an old man's cologne". I guess I'm not sophisticated enough to understand what scents are "old man" versus what... "modern/young man"?

    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    It has occurred to me that I have been thinking to hard ( can't see the forest for the trees kinda thing) At this point, my guess is that what is truly needed here is an old fashioned, Barber Shop Pinaud Clubman style this correct ? Scented with Essential oils or not, a nice menthol zing, and a good old fashioned alcohol sting. Am I right???????????
    From my perspective, that's not necessarily true. Early on, we agreed (I think ?) that we wanted a better than average base and I believe that was your primary focus for the first two rounds. Now it's time to explore fragrance dimensions. I think we'll be there when we mostly can all answer yes to "would I buy this?", even if it was only to use occasionally. There's two ways we could go here... something totally unique or something very similar to a high-end commercial product. Which way to go is a tough call.

    But there are a number of fragrances that are ranked highly on basenotes and seem to get nominated for the "Best man's fragrance" category almost every year... eg, M7, Vetiver, A*Men/Angel Men, Green Irish Tweed, etc. Any knock-off of one of those would be a winner I'd think? And believe it or not, Old Spice usually wins the "Best mass marketed fragrance" category almost every year.

    So hurry up and finish testing this round guys so we can discuss what direction to go next.
    Last edited by azjoe; 07-11-2007 at 08:21 PM. Reason: fis typos

  2. #312
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    I like both of the current versions...but would certainly give the nod to the '0' (the white one). The base seems a bit more soothing, but certainly not greasy. The 'X' has a great scent, but (to use a wine term) strikes me as a bit astringent.

    I was one that mourned the loss of menthol cooling. In my opinion, EITHER menthol or alcohol could give that effect and I prefer the menthol to the alcohol; but I think both would be overkill.

    Yes, I think we are certainly at a point where I could say that I'd purchase either one...from here on out is fine tuning and marketing decisions.


  3. #313
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    I'm here, but very busy this past week with a delivery to the Tamarack, and this has been the weekend for the Traditional Archery Rendezvous.

    I can't say that I've been overwhelmed with customers, and I've been surprised that in this particular group of people who enjoy the more "Traditional" things in life, had very little knowledge about Traditional wet shaving, and have heard repeated comments on, "my beard is so tough, I have to have a 3 blade or a 5 blade" .........sigh......Of course I know this is not true with a finely honed straight, or a DE; but I also need to study harder to learn to explain these differences when I speak to people face to face.

    The other very odd happening, is that more women than men, have purchased the shaving soap for use on their legs, and have made several comments along the lines....I'll have to hide this from my Husband. how weird is that.

    As always, no matter what happens ( I sold enough to pay my part time this it was ok) it's always a good learning experience and helpful to talk to the general public about their interests in soaps and in shaving.

    The biggest selling point for me in the shaving arena with men who purchased, was the ablility to take the shaving creams or shaving soaps thru security at Airports without being confiscated. So in the accoutrement section of the website I've decided to add small travel kits.

    Of course none of this has anything to do with the AS's....sorry....and now I have to get ready to go (last day)

    But I will say that the "white" AS has been the hands down favorite, OH...and on another strange note, bothe the white and the cream/yellow AS had menthol added.

    I'll be back tomorrow morning over coffee for a chat.
    Huggs, Colleen

  4. #314
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    An interesting observation...

    My sample of white AS is no longer "white". It's turned sort of yellow... not exactly the same color of yellow as the other one, but certainly no longer the milky white it was originally.

    Now, before you conclude I didn't shake it, I did... vigorously before every use. At one point soon after they arrived I didn't use either of them for several days and I noticed they both had separated... ie, several different thin colored layers floated to the top. I didn't think much about it other than I hadn't noticed any previous samples separating, so I just shook both of them vigorously and I haven't noticed them separating again (even though they have both been sitting for about a week unused. But since the separation the white color is gone.

    I do remember that I forgot to close the cap on one bottle at one point, but I don't remember which sample, nor whether it was before or after the separation thing occurred.

    Very strange... but as Ed would say... just another data point (or two).

  5. #315
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azjoe View Post
    An interesting observation...

    My sample of white AS is no longer "white". It's turned sort of yellow... not exactly the same color of yellow as the other one, but certainly no longer the milky white it was originally.

    Now, before you conclude I didn't shake it, I did... vigorously before every use. At one point soon after they arrived I didn't use either of them for several days and I noticed they both had separated... ie, several different thin colored layers floated to the top. I didn't think much about it other than I hadn't noticed any previous samples separating, so I just shook both of them vigorously and I haven't noticed them separating again (even though they have both been sitting for about a week unused. But since the separation the white color is gone.

    I do remember that I forgot to close the cap on one bottle at one point, but I don't remember which sample, nor whether it was before or after the separation thing occurred.

    Very strange... but as Ed would say... just another data point (or two).

    Oh Myyy..... Well, has anyone else experienced this strange phenomenon ??


  6. #316
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Sorry but I don't put my contact in till after I shave and I haven't really seen a difference. Menthol in the yellow I knew it didn't smell like Hawiian Surf anymore

  7. #317
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    I looked closely this morning and my bottle of 'O' (the white one) did have a couple of distinct layers--yellow and fairly clear on top and milky white below. I shook it up and it stayed combined. I'm actually becoming more and more attached to this formula. Like the scent, seems to be quite soothing, goes on light and not greasy...if this continues it may surpass my old standby, Trumpers Coral Skin Food. I must say that I'm surprised to learn that both contain menthol. Try as I might, I simply do not detect any of the typical menthol cooling following the application of either.

    Just another data point,

  8. #318
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForestryProf View Post
    I looked closely this morning and my bottle of 'O' (the white one) did have a couple of distinct layers--yellow and fairly clear on top and milky white below. I shook it up and it stayed combined. I'm actually becoming more and more attached to this formula. Like the scent, seems to be quite soothing, goes on light and not greasy...if this continues it may surpass my old standby, Trumpers Coral Skin Food. I must say that I'm surprised to learn that both contain menthol. Try as I might, I simply do not detect any of the typical menthol cooling following the application of either.

    Just another data point,
    I'm here, close by......just happen to have a headache. Migraine status this morning, now down to dull pounding. I'll be back later.


  9. #319
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForestryProf View Post
    I looked closely this morning and my bottle of 'O' (the white one) did have a couple of distinct layers--yellow and fairly clear on top and milky white below. I shook it up and it stayed combined. I'm actually becoming more and more attached to this formula. Like the scent, seems to be quite soothing, goes on light and not greasy...if this continues it may surpass my old standby, Trumpers Coral Skin Food. I must say that I'm surprised to learn that both contain menthol. Try as I might, I simply do not detect any of the typical menthol cooling following the application of either.

    Just another data point,

    Here I am with the bits of peices of my brain that that rhymes. Nothing quite like a Migraine, and I am a frequent sufferer.

    Ok.....I have looked at my jars each and every day, the yellow shows greater separation with oil (essential oils) on top, and a sediment like layer on the bottom. In the middle it is opaque. If I shake it up then it looks like milky orange juice.

    The white one remains with the appearance of milk, upon close examination there is a fine layer of oil (essential oil) resting on the top. But the overall appearance of the white remains that, of a glass of full fat Vit. D milk....not skim.

    Joe I'm still puzzling over your white aftershave turning clear.

    Has it been sitting in the sun ? or in the Dark ? or undergoing any radical temperature changes? No cooking right

    Ed I am most flattered to have a test AS mentioned in the same sentence as Trumper's Coral skin food, and yes....they both have menthol, although I must confess to a light touch. I have no idea how much to add.....the old pharmacopeia manual states around 2% but wow, that seems like a lot when you're weighing it out on the scale.

    It seems safer to keep adding an extra pinch or two each time, based upon everyone's comments I feel like I can add 4 pinches extra next time. Nice and Scientific like....LOL.

    The printer quit working, and of course it's no longer under warranty, so I had to purchase a new one last evening, AND I have to figure out how to hook this thing up pronto.

    Now where's that flashlight....
    Last edited by churley; 07-18-2007 at 11:49 AM. Reason: caint speell

  10. #320
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I agree with Ed on the feel the yellow did remind me of the skin food from Trumpers. This is one tough project though. I am almost finished with the yellow. One more little use. The white did not seperate for me stil milky two small shaves left.

    PS I check on the website progress every now and then. Looks very nice so far.

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