Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
Ok I am at my last week at C&W. I will start at my new job on Monday looking forward to it.
I have noticed something about our samples of AS. They have darkened over time, I want to check but I think they have blended better. I will check and keep all updated.

Well I'll be.....it's Point man

How ya doin Rich ? Sounds like you're getting ready to start a new adventure

Thank you for the heads up on the AS. It's not your imagination.....the AS are darker, and yes....the scents will have "come into themselves" as they say....lol. In natural perfumery a perfume/cologne isn't considered to be ready for sale until a minimum of one year has passed, and the longer the better....sorda like making wine

I wish y'all could see ALLLLLL the containers full of "just a little of this, and just a little of that"....lol. But I save most everything so I can have an understanding of how time affects a blend; does it separate more ? Does it grow mold .......Does it affect the plastic container ? I did have a fella suffering away in a hot foreign country say that the plastic bottle seemed to be affected by the heat and the EO's. Which can certainly happen when the two are combined.

So even though we came to a grinding halt....I suppose the passage of time has it's own lesson's.

I know I miss everyone!!!!! Things are about the same here on the home front....stressful as ever, I suppose I'll be divorced by Fall, but I don't really know cuz this is my first divorce....geez!... and my last ....I hope lol

XXWarm Regards, Colleen