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Thread: How many soaps do you keep in rotation?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Bamasamson's Avatar
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    Default How many soaps do you keep in rotation?

    Like the title says, how many soaps or creams do y'all keep in your rotation? Also feel free to say what the are and what your favorites are.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Ludvig's Avatar
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    Currently I have 4 soaps and 1 cream, so 5 in total. Relatively few but it will increase with time. It wasn't very long since I started to SR shave.

  3. #3
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I have about 15 soaps and creams. But most of them haven't worked out so I melted about 6 of them into a couple of bowls and see how they go. About 5 of them are part of my uber lather that changes slightly every time I use it. That leave about 4 that I haven't decided on. I am working it down to a set uber lather that will do for any shave, any brush, any razor. I am expanding on pre shaves at his time and have 5 going and looking to add several more before thinning those out also.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I probably have a dozen or so hard soaps. No creams though I do like some of them. Just too cheap to buy any more. I basically use MWF or Williams most of the time and the others just sit until I run out of the aforementioned.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have around 30 soaps, creams and shave sticks to choose from.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    I keep about 6 on my shelf. There are a far greater number that I have never tried. So far, nothing has beaten the performance of MWF on my face where it matters most. Watch out for possible irritation by menthol and strong scents.

  7. #7
    zib is offline
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    I have a lot. Some of my fav's are: Castle Forbes, Truefitt and Hill, Tobs, Xpec, and Domenico Caraceni (no longer available)

    Some of my favorite soaps are: SRD, MWF, Tabac, DR Harris, TOBS, P160 and of course Martin De Candre.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    I have 6 pucks and 2 samples of Al's cream left. I love Al's but I don't take the time for whipping up cream very often. If I popped for a proper bowl or scuttle for it I might do it more often. I just haven't gone there yet. I have 2 new Mama Bear's pucks open. Ylang Ylang , and Dragon's blood with Northwoods in waiting. (maybe New Years) I have 4 artisan soaps. 2 from Dirty Deeds ( cool water and a balsam cedarwood.) 2 from Puur called Sheriff and Blacksmith. Being used to Mama Bear's the other 4 are hard for me too talk myself into. Mainly because I have been trying to get the same lather out of them. I am finding that they can be close if I load more onto the brush and use more water. Most of this is recent because I just used up a puck of MB's Patchouli that lasted a year. I have been wise in my choice of scents because I love them all except for 2 of Al's which had a strong nutmeg (or something) smell to them.

    There you have it. My soap inventory and history/ review. Sorry, I am just starting to get wound up about soaps :<0)
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  9. #9
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I rotate around 30 soaps and creams, mostly soaps. My preferred are as follows:
    Soaps: Martin de Candre, Savon Le Pere Lucien, D.R. Harris range, Valobra fougere, The Art of Shaving sandalwood (the old version), Trumper rose, Trumper sandalwood and Joris.
    Creams: Xpec, Castle Forbes, Santa Maria Novella, Truefitt & Hill range, D.R. Harris range and Trumper range.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    A lot, 15 + and just got 6 more yesterday.

    I usually shave with one for a few days to a week.

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