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Thread: Shaving Creams

  1. #1
    Member ELDivo's Avatar
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    Default Shaving Creams

    How long has shaving creams been around VS shaving soaps per se? Im talking about the shaving creams that come in a tub not aersol cans. Did our grandfathers use them or were they just man of soap?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I don't know the answer,,, but I have a vintage Yardley soap NOS that is older than both of us,,,,

    Name:  Yardley Lavender Soap-Vintage (3).jpg
Views: 238
Size:  50.7 KB

    Name:  Yardley Lavender Soap-Vintage (11).jpg
Views: 225
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    lz6, earcutter and ELDivo like this.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The soaps were probably invented soon after they invented general purpose bar soap which was a long time ago. I think creams are a recent phenomenon.

    That reminds me how folks these days don't appreciate a world without soap. I remember in the old days after a big battle and we were covered in the enemies blood which had dried on we couldnt wait to get to the nearest river or lake or the ocean. usually someone would grab a porcupine and knock him out and use his quills to scrape themselves clean. But that's another story for another day.
    earcutter likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Member ELDivo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I don't know the answer,,, but I have a vintage Yardley soap NOS that is older than both of us,,,,

    Name:  Yardley Lavender Soap-Vintage (3).jpg
Views: 238
Size:  50.7 KB

    Name:  Yardley Lavender Soap-Vintage (11).jpg
Views: 225
Size:  57.3 KB
    Def old school
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  5. #5
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    The soaps were probably invented soon after they invented general purpose bar soap which was a long time ago. I think creams are a recent phenomenon.

    That reminds me how folks these days don't appreciate a world without soap. I remember in the old days after a big battle and we were covered in the enemies blood which had dried on we couldnt wait to get to the nearest river or lake or the ocean. usually someone would grab a porcupine and knock him out and use his quills to scrape themselves clean. But that's another story for another day.
    Dude! I so know what you are saying! I remember this one time I was illegally crossing the boarder around Manitoba someplace, when I had to take out this one yank boarder guard. The snow wasn't enough to wash off all his blood! Had to try something else.

    Seriously though. You can't begin a story like that and not give more details !!

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