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Thread: T.N Dickinson Witch Hazel
04-03-2007, 10:36 PM #1
T.N Dickinson Witch Hazel
Having stumbled across this in the supermarket the other day quite by accident, and then buying it immediately on impulse because we just don't seem to have these products here in Oz. (Perhaps we do but I have never seen it)
Having shaved and alumed and then doused myself in this stuff, I was not sure what to expect. The first thing that hit me was the smell, it smelt like the aftermath of a fire in a building where the smoke and water have mixed and left that funny smell after a fire. Apart from that nothing untoward and it dried nicely on the skin after a short time.
Now having actually read up on the TN Dickinson witch hazel I see that this stuff is more designed for the use of first aid as opposed to skincare, so I suppose should I be using it after shaving the way that I am? As far as I can tell it feels OK and is not doing anything it shouldn't. How different is this stuff compared to Thayer's witch hazel?
04-03-2007, 10:53 PM #2
That's the stuff I use John --- I believe it's just witch hazel and grain alcohol --- smells like witch hazel I guess. I've used Thayers too and overall it's probably better quality and has other stuff in there like aloe and such --- Thayers also has different smells (Lavender, Peach, Rose, Lemon, Original) plus some of the Thayers products are alcohol free. I like the Dickinsons better just because it's simple and works good for me and the smell doesn't bother me and I don't have sensitive skin so I don't need the extra stuff on a daily basis. If you want a more medicated product the Thayers is it --- if you want just witch hazel and alchohol then Dickinson is it --- Dickinsons is cheaper too.
There's another witch hazel product -- Lucky Tiger Aftershave Toner --- would like to try it if I could find it.
04-03-2007, 11:22 PM #3
G'day Justin,
Just did a quick search for Lucky Tiger Aftershave Toner and it comes up as discontinued on their web site but of course you already knew that didn't you
Thanks for the info on the witch hazel, I think Thayer's will still be the one for me to go with, I like the idea of the different scents.
04-04-2007, 12:12 AM #4
No problem babe --- I've tried the Thayers Original, Thayers SuperHazel and Thayers Lemon ---- some say the Thayers Rose and Lavender are really nice but none of the Thayers stuff I've tried really blew my skirt up as for as smell goes (but very good on the skin). The Thayers Lemon to me smelled very artificial --- kind of like Pledge or Indust furniture cleaner --- really --- (don't know if you get those in Oz) and the Original had a smell that I just didn't like --- The SuperHazel is some really powerpacked stuff with ingredients good for razor burn and general wound cleaning ---has kind of a menthol/clove smell and is really cooling on the face. I tell you what John, the best witch hazel product I've tried so far is the Jason Natural Witch Vera --a gel with witch hazel and aloe and other stuff -- nice clean smell and slight cooling effect. They have a similar product with Tea Tree oil (the Tea Tree oil might suit your Aussie mug better ) . Hooroo,
04-04-2007, 01:20 AM #5
Justin, Justin,
Now you're just confusin me.
04-04-2007, 02:06 AM #6
Witchhazel is afterall a herb and its one of those things you either like or don't like. Personally I like it. Most drug chains carry their own versions which are really watered down stuff. The Dickinson is the real deal. The Thayers is the fancy stuff but they have their original which is pretty plain. Personally I love the Thayers, the super hazel and the lavender especially. I also tried the jason and its good stuff also. It just depends what you prefer.
No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
04-04-2007, 02:52 AM #7
04-04-2007, 04:37 PM #8
I've been using Thayers Original after every shave for quite a while now and really like it. However, I just bought their sample pack and I've got to concur on the super hazel and lavender. The Lavendar's got a great scent with being overpowering and the Super will let you know it's on your face for sure
04-16-2007, 05:57 PM #9
I own and love a bottle of the Lucky Tiger Aftershave Toner. Bought it for 6.99 at a closeout grocerey store here, and it works wonderfully with no sting whatsoever.
Has a citrisy smell that doesn't stick around too long, but cools and tightens wonderfully.
There are several bottles available in the store here, if anyone is interested...
04-16-2007, 06:07 PM #10