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Thread: 'pre-owned' shave soaps,safe?

  1. #1
    evil brewer joeuke's Avatar
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    Default 'pre-owned' shave soaps,safe?

    I sanitize all my newly acquired shave stuff (straights, DE, mugs etc) with Barbicide.

    Was wondering if 'pre-owned' shave soaps/creams are safe?
    Transmission of 'blood borne' illness comes to mind.

    Ya re-lather and you have a nick, now the soap is contaminated?
    Or does the soap de-activate bacteria/viruses??

  2. #2
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    I am not doctor but nothing lives in blood outside of the body longer than 7ish days.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Got his by googling: One claim against bar soaps is the bacteria factor. Because people sometimes share the same bar of soap, fears concerning the transfer of bacteria have emerged. However, studies have shown that although bacteria levels on previously-used bar soaps are slightly higher than on unused soaps, there have been no detectable levels of bacteria left on the skin's surface after using the soap [source: Heinze].
    Just call me Harold
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Personally I would never use used soap. You don't know the history of it plain and simple. I wouldn't use a used brush either.

    Most soap simply isn't that expensive anyway. Why even do it?
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  5. #5
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    Lots of selling of soap that has been used once or twice. I would not buy it unless new but some like the slight discount or that rare soap
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  6. #6
    evil brewer joeuke's Avatar
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    Yah, better off to pass. Considering all the health downsides.
    A used jar of MdC had popped up on the 'bay.... worth the extra 20 euros shipping not to have the worry.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Default 'pre-owned' shave soaps,safe?

    Quote Originally Posted by joeuke View Post
    I sanitize all my newly acquired shave stuff (straights, DE, mugs etc) with Barbicide.

    Was wondering if 'pre-owned' shave soaps/creams are safe?
    Transmission of 'blood borne' illness comes to mind.

    Ya re-lather and you have a nick, now the soap is contaminated?
    Or does the soap de-activate bacteria/viruses??

    a brush is one thing, somebody elses used soap,,,,No
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  8. #8
    Senior Member johnnypipe's Avatar
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    I guess I'm lucky that I'm not in the hospital bed ridden. I can't begin to tell you how many used soaps I've purchased and sold over the years. I guess I should knock on wood as I've never had any issues.
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    "Younger than some, older than most" - Wet shaving for 50+ years

  9. #9
    Member TheMonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnypipe View Post
    I guess I'm lucky that I'm not in the hospital bed ridden. I can't begin to tell you how many used soaps I've purchased and sold over the years. I guess I should knock on wood as I've never had any issues.
    Agree. I've used a few over the years, and I've had absolutely zero issues.
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  10. #10
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    By all means, run! Don't go near those used tins of contagion! Pathogens will leap at the chance to colonize new skin. Probably not, but who knows?

    In all the years I've covered (as a reporter) infectious disease, I've never heard of bugs being passed this way--at least, in the time in would take a shaving soap to travel from seller to buyer. I do recall a study that found that a bar of soap in a dental clinic did in fact transmit germs--but I don't remember if it actually caused disease. I suppose a wet tin of shaving soap could provide a moist little home.

    There are so many things that are more likely to hurt us! Enjoy the soaps. Or, if it gives you peace of mind, leave them for me.
    rolodave likes this.

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