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Thread: Visited Martin de Candre while in France

  1. #1
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    Default Visited Martin de Candre while in France

    Hey all,

    So while in France these past couple of weeks on Vacation, I found myself in the region where MdC manufactures and sell their soaps and I figured I would stop in for a visit and check out there facilities and buy some soaps right from the source...

    I must say, WOW!!! What an amazing property! They are set in an old 12th century abbey and not only do they run a small, great, hands on soap production facility, but they also have a fine restaurant, hotel and barber shop. The women who is the barber took me and my wife on a nice tour of the facility. Super nice people, an amazing product and wonderful property all added up to a great detour on our trip around France!

    On a side note, I did buy both the original and fougére shaving soaps and I can't say enough about them. By leaps and bounds I have to say it is the nicest quality soap I have used to date! The scents are wonderful and the quality of lather is second to none...

    My wife also went home with a multiple bars of their lavender bar soap. I usually find lavender soaps to smell off (artificial maybe?) but MdC's versions were intoxicating! I am definitely a convert of their products. Not cheap but definitely amazing!

    Anyways, I have included some pics I snapped on my phone wandering around the property. I would definitely recommend a stop if you ever find yourself in the area...

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  2. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to bobbybirds For This Useful Post:

    BobH (07-19-2015), Entasis (07-19-2015), Euclid440 (07-20-2015), furious (07-19-2015), HARRYWALLY (07-19-2015), lz6 (07-19-2015), markbignosekelly (07-20-2015), MikeB52 (07-19-2015), MWS (07-20-2015), nipper (07-20-2015), Phrank (07-19-2015), rolodave (07-20-2015), sharptonn (07-19-2015), Tarkus (07-19-2015), Walterbowens (07-20-2015)

  3. #2
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Spectacular, I am so envious...a 12th Century abbey, to tour a stunning building like that would be amazing, and then to get shaving soap...I'd think I'd died and gone to shaving heaven!

    Did you happen to chat with any others there about the soap...any other wet shavers you ran into?

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Spectacular, I am so envious...a 12th Century abbey, to tour a stunning building like that would be amazing, and then to get shaving soap...I'd think I'd died and gone to shaving heaven!

    Did you happen to chat with any others there about the soap...any other wet shavers you ran into?
    There was nobody there except the staff while we were there! I think it was why the barber was pleased to take the time to show us around. I wish I hadn't have shaved that morning as I would have saddled up in the chair and let her do the work! lol
    sharptonn, Tarkus and BobH like this.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    Wow I'm speechless. That's what I call a factory.
    What an experience you must of had. Thanks for sharing.

  6. #5
    Not really a "Senior Member" CZMark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbybirds View Post
    Hey all,

    So while in France these past couple of weeks on Vacation, I found myself in the region where MdC manufactures and sell their soaps and I figured I would stop in for a visit and check out there facilities and buy some soaps right from the source...
    Did you get enough for all of us?

  7. #6
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    This is the dream of anyone with SSAD.

    thanks for sharing
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  8. #7
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    Thats dope!! I love their soaps. I have the same scents you bought and to me they might not give the the best post shaving experience but the lather and smell are next to none IMO!! Good for you that looks like a fun experience!!
    Last edited by angler; 07-20-2015 at 01:12 PM.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by angler View Post
    That dope!! I love their soaps. I have the same scents you bought and to me they might not give the the best post shaving experience but the lather and smell are next to none IMO!! Good for you that looks like a fun experience!!
    I have heard this but the few shave I have with them I seem to find my skin to be awesome after! I will see this winter if the cold changes anything but I am not too worried I think...

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbybirds View Post
    I have heard this but the few shave I have with them I seem to find my skin to be awesome after! I will see this winter if the cold changes anything but I am not too worried I think...
    I find the Lavender gives a much better post shave then the Fourgere. I don't find them bad but there are other soaps that have a superior post shave in my opinion. With that being said it is my favorite soap and gets used about 4 to 5 times a week!

  11. #10
    Senior Member alpla444's Avatar
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    Wow great pictures very easy on the eyes, I soo need to try MDC.

    Thanks for sharing

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