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Thread: Mitchell's Wool Fat develops cracks?

  1. #1
    < Banned User >
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    Default Mitchell's Wool Fat develops cracks?

    For those of you who have used MWF over a long period of time, is it normal for the puck to develop cracks?

    On a side note, I just broke my bloody MWF bowl few hrs ago...I was bowl lathering and it hit the faucet and wham, it broke into pieces and the puck fell into the sink. Luckily I didn't cut myself. Didn't like that bowl anyways to be honest. Time to look for a mug with a better grip.

  2. #2
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    Perfectly normal, just a bit dry. My IK did the same. Used a bit more often in rotation and left bit damper they vanished again with a bit of a press and rub with thumb. Though honestly they will do no harm at all I think.
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  3. #3
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    There have been threads on the MWF cracks in the past.

    I start rehydrating my MWF at least a day in advance. A puck can hold an amazing amount of water.

    Sorry about your mug.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yup, flood the crock with water and let sit covered overnight, not only will the cracks be gone, it will be a whole different/better MWF, super rich lather.

    Years ago, I bought a crock, tried it and was not impressed. Guys would rave about it and I just never saw what they did.

    Then in an old thread, someone suggested flooding the puck with water and rehydrating it. Boom, now I get what they were all talking about. After using, I splash a little bit of water in the hollow and cover. As said if you have not use in a while, flood with water the day before and let it hydrate.

    Still not my favorite sent, but a good shaver…

    This soap would benefit from an airtight container, I have a set of Anchor Hocking clear glass storage containers that fit small pucks perfectly, my bride picked up a set of 4 for about 6 bucks. They come in different sizes and colored lids.

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  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    If it has not completely dried out is should still be relatively soft so you can just smash it down with your thumbs and the cracks will be gone.
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