I had a little bit of credit on EBay/PayPal so I went on a mini shopping spree. I've always been a Proraso guy but I wanted to try something new since it was a freebee of sorts. My OCD won't let my try new things sometimes.

Landed on Maggards site and popped for a tub of TOBS sandalwood scented cream. Put my Simpson Chubby3 in a hot water soak along with my skuttle while I showered. Took my brush and swirled it in the cream. Didn't realize how soft it was and WAY overloaded my brush. Oops. Scraped most of it off and proceeded to work it in my skuttle. Nice and foamy really fast. It's going to take me a time or two to dial in the amounts for a perfect load each time. Felt like a total noob all over again.

I've always avoided strongly scented creams as they generally make me nauseated. This one was surprisingly gentle on the scent and very pleasant. Nicely slick and foamy for my first try with it. I felt like the straight glided across my face more smoothly than with my Proraso.

I went all English tonight with cream, brush and razor.

Simpsons Chubby
Drew & Sons Piccadilly Circus "Friday" straight in Ivory

Like the title says, it was a "Pleasant Suprise."