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Thread: Gifted a couple soaps

  1. #1
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Default Gifted a couple soaps

    Yesterday I went to @Bluesman7 house and met up with @dleanetti so we could both get some pointers in honing and anything else. It was a good time and I honed one razor while Bluesman7 honed up two and a half razors for me. The half being that I wanted one razor with only bevel set. I wanted to strop it and give it a shave as I've been told its possible to shave with bevel set only and its something I should test to know what a real bevel set feels like. That's another story and I have to say, it wouldn't cut my whiskers. They just folded over. I now have a much better idea on how to do the rolling X stroke. Bluesman7 handed me a smiling razor that was so smiley that there was no way to hone it without using the Rolling X stroke. I then found what it takes to do this type of honing. Thanks Vic for your time and help in learning this.

    Now back to the soap.
    dleanetti had a couple creams that he had tried to use and found that they were hard on his skin so he asked if ether one of us wanted them. So I took them home. One was the well known Proaso Green and the other was Castle Forbes Lime scent. SCORE!!!

    This morning I started with the Proaso and worked up a lather on my face and found the menthol was too much for me. Not any skin sensitivity issues but I think its a bit hard to shave with your eyes closed. Ha. My eyes were tearing up and I just couldn't keep them open to shave. Now it did make a great lather and felt smooth and slick but I just wasn't able to put the razor to my face to really give it a try. I have a friend at work that has recently got into DE shaving thanks to me, and I'll pass this stuff along to him.

    Now for the Castle Forbes. Great stuff!
    The lime scent was strong! But not to the point I couldn't keep my eyes open. Wonderful, full scent! I love Lime! I worked up a lather and found it to be very easy to build a lather. Smooth, slick and took plenty of water without breaking down. I've been wanting to try the Castle Forbes but I just hadn't pulled the trigger. Its not cheep but not really expensive. I just have plenty of soap so I just kept putting it off. I will now have to buy all the different creams they have because I liked it so much.
    Thank you Dennis for passing this on to me. Your a great friend and member here on SRP and I wont forget what you did for me. It might not have been a really big thing but it helped me a lot. Now that I think about it, You have made me have to spend a bunch of money on creams that I hadn't planned on doing so that's not good! Ha.

    Thanks to both guys. I just wanted to say thank you to both in public and to say I found a great cream that I will use plenty of. I've always used puck soap but this cream thing is be an eye opener for me.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    What an excellent visit, Gasman. Learning the rolling X-stroke will be extremely valuable experience when you find yourself with a razor that requires that stroke to get an even hone. Plus, you got to see some custom razors from Bluesman7 I imagine. Very cool!

    Thanks for the warning regarding menthol shave soaps/creams. I imagine shaving blind would really up the challenge. Lol.

    CF Lime shaving cream is wonderfully slick stuff with great cushion...easy on the skin, too. My tub has around 15% left, so I plan on re-ordering some later this year via Amazon. Their post-shave balm shines as well, but I won't scare you off by quoting its cost.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I try to say as often as I can the value in learning to hone at a meet. Your meet was very small and likely truly great learning. There are so many things that are near impossible to present in a video. I am happy to hear your meet was all that. The soaps are always nice to try too. I love trading soaps.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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