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Thread: Humbug I say.

  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Humbug I say.

    I was sitting on the porch unpacking a UPS parcel of some new shave soaps. My friend Mr L was watching. He said, "not another box of soaps. You must have 40 tubs of soap. There is no way you are ever gonna finish those soaps before you die". I said, you know something I don't? He said "well yes I do". I said maybe I shouldn't bother shaving tomorrow. He said, "no if I snatched you away I wouldn't have anyplace to go for vacation to get away from my partner Mr Death. "You have any idea what a wet blanket that guy is at a party?" "I went to Vegas with him last year and he cleaned the place out in seconds".

    Well that got me to thinking. Maybe it's the fact the big 70 is fast approaching but I'm starting to look at things differently. I have all this soap and cream and all of it top of the line stuff.

    Like DE's it seems every Monday someone else comes out with the latest and greatest soap or cream. I mean all this syrupy or flowery stuff you gotta draw the line somewhere.

    So I took out every soap and cream I have. Some of it is probably 10 years old and even though it's all well sealed some have lost most of their scent. So, in the trash heap they went. Some I don't know why I ever bought them....yes I do know it's Obie's fault. Well, they went into the shower.

    So, with the rest lined up and a sniff of each and thinking of which I like and which are technically perfect I came to a conclusion.

    I have about 6 varieties of Meisner-Tremonia. I know many don't like the scent however they are the most technically perfect soaps I have ever used. Every quality you want in a soap they have in spades and after shaving they leave your face feeling great. There are one or two scents I don't like however the others I characterize as adult scents and scents that seem deceptively simple but in fact are different and frankly to my liking. They are kind of like an acquired taste. Those are my keepers.

    So, I'm done with soaps and creams. I gave the others to Mr L and he will use them as premiums to his new clients. Oh and he has a message for Obie. He says he has a special room set aside for him with everything scented by MDC and if he's ready to cash in his chips now he'll let him take anything he wants with him.
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  2. #2
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Of the 40 some soaps I currently have I use the one I like the least as a pre-lather. I don't have to shave with it but it does eventually get used.

    That 70 thing is only 13 months away. I feel your pain.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I settled my soaps down to MWF for summer, Tabac for winter.

  4. #4
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    I am also approaching 70, but it sounds like you might be a little closer. My wife is terrified that I might die before she does, leaving all of my straight razors, ham radio equipment, computers, tools, etc., etc. for her to disposition. My sole male heir is a son-in-law that shaves with an electric razor and has few interests outside of computers and maintaining his lawn.

    However, our family histories indicate that I may well outlive my wife and that really terrifies me. I do not know what I would do without her.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    I love it when people use the word humbug!

  6. #6
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    My wife shuffles into the shave den, scrutinizes the razors, brushes, soaps and creams and, shaking her head, says, "They grow like rabbits."

  7. #7
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Soaps I don't like end up being used by wife and daughter...the ones they don't like the smell of they trash...the rest they say are lovely to use on legs and such...pucks get used quickly as shower soap...three pucks of Meisner Treb went down the drain that way....:-)

  8. #8
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Soaps I don't like end up being used by wife and daughter...the ones they don't like the smell of they trash...the rest they say are lovely to use on legs and such...pucks get used quickly as shower soap...three pucks of Meisner Treb went down the drain that way....:-)
    i went through three Meissner jars as pre-lathers.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    i went through three Meissner jars as pre-lathers.
    I guess this falls under the "YMMV" concept.

    I have only tried maybe 12 or 15 different soaps and creams, but for me, Meissner T has been my favorite. Great scent (dark lime), really easy to achieve a great lather.
    Omaha, NE

  10. #10
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have more than enough to last me 2 lifetimes....Just the MDC!

    I WOULD like some samples of things I would be unlikely to buy, however!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 10-19-2017 at 02:31 AM.
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