Lately I have taken, after my four passes (WTG, XTGx2, ATG), to full lathering my face. I then clean my brush, razor, and bowl (I bowl lather exclusively). I have started doing this as an effort to allow the full effects of the cream to soak into my freshly shorn face. I then cold water rinse and do the AS/balm of the day. My AS routine sometimes varies and can be a singular or multiple products.

What I have found is significantly softer and better face results, no matter AS regimen. I also have noticed a longer scent result and overall more enjoyable experience. It has become such a big part of my routine I now use it as a judging method for a cream or soap...ultimately how good do I feel after just the lather.

My results may differ from others but I will not be going back. Hope that helps or is what you are talking about I have not seen the video. Please share the link.