In honesty I have to add some nuance my previous posts

After a long hiatus, I finally gave the CF cream I had another shot.
I took off the clumpy dry cream on the top and used the fresher looking cream from the bottom of the tub.

I got a very good lather and a very good shave, it was remarkably better than my previous experiences (which was more than a couple years ago).
It was a very good shave, good lather and not sticky as I had once encountered. User error did seem to play a role a couple years back.

It's really good, but I found it lacking in certain departments to glorify it like other people do, slickness could be better and its moisture retention was a bit off.
(Although slickness with creams compared to soaps is always a thing, I've been using soaps lately so that might color my judgement here)
It did seem to dry out a bit quicker than other creams I've used and I needed to re-apply water more often. It's very protective and gave a very pleasant shave.

Is it good? yes, very good
Is it as godlike as some people make it out to be? Nah

Would I buy it again? Certainly