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Thread: DIY shaving soap recipe

  1. #1
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    Default DIY shaving soap recipe

    I have been shaving with a straight razor for about 5 years now. I was told on here when i started this to use a good which i used taylor of old bond street pucks. And i have been buying that ever since. However i am wondering if it would be cheaper to just make a DIY shaving soap. I also am sick of ordering it online, when i run out. However i am skeptical, because i have tried some cheaper pucks, and those soaps are horrible when shaving. I am wondering if it is possible to do a DIY shaving soap that gets anywhere near taylor of old bond street?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Well diy and artisan soap are pretty much the same thing, sort of. There are some fantastic artisan soap and many others that fall somewhere in between. I would think it will require some regions research, consultation,and experimentation.. you may wind up with many unsatisfactory soap until you get your recipe figured out, you may get lucky early on. If it interests you, you should try. I hope you find your way to making a great soap. I have had many soaps, some are fantastic and I buy them more than once. There are so many to try and so many good ones that I have not ventured into this rabbit hole yet. Good luck.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Theres lots of info on the net, a lot of the soaps use a hot lye process, the initial outlay for the equipment and ingredients are quite high, so that's a factor.
    Ive thought about it a few times as it seems like it would be fun but have been worried that it would be a disappointment.
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  4. #4
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    While it may be possible to produce your own shaving soap, the cost and time required to do so is going to far outweigh the cost and inconvenience of purchasing a soap in the marketplace. It you consider ordering replacement soaps online to be inconvenient, you are not likely to fare well as a soapmaker. If ordering is inconvenient, just order several soaps on one order and have enough soap on hand to last a year (or a decade).

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's the type of thing to be looked at not from the standpoint of supplying yourself with soap but as a hobby. With that angle, buying the supplies and gear and learning the art is the goal.

    When you look at it that way well, we all know hobbies can get expensive.

    However, if you are successful who knows what it could lead to.
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  6. #6
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    I've seen stuff on the 'tube that cooks the batch in a slow cooker. It doesn't have to be pricy.
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  7. #7
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    If you are looking to save money and haven't tried it yet I would suggest arko shaving soap. Some don't like the smell but I enjoy it,

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    How many refill pucks can you possibly go through in a year? If you calculate the cost of soap per shave, I can't imagine saving much, if any, if you made your own soap. If your goal is to enjoy your shave, I'd keep using the soap that performs well for you.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evnpar View Post
    How many refill pucks can you possibly go through in a year? If you calculate the cost of soap per shave, I can't imagine saving much, if any, if you made your own soap. If your goal is to enjoy your shave, I'd keep using the soap that performs well for you.
    As with many hobbies, the end result of it is not to save money but to do it just because it's fun!

  10. #10
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    Christian1 hit it on the head brother... For the price nothing is better than Arko.. Get a decade worth for $20.00...

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