Quote Originally Posted by beluga View Post
As the thread has been revived anyway:

Yes, I agree.
When people discuss how hard/easy it is to lather with MWF, they hardly mention water hardness.
When I was still based with the airline in Dubai, MWF lathered reasonably well (but not superbly). After retirement we moved to Coimbra, Portugal and here it lathers like a champ with the superb local water.

But I never bothered taking MWF with me on layover flights where I wasn’t sure how hard the water at the destination was.
The ceramic bowl that MWF is sold in is also not that well suited for travelling.

For these trips, Haslinger Schafmilch worked much better, as it seemed to be impervious to water hardness (and also came in that little tin can with screw top) and comes fairly close to MWF.

As a side note, too much lanolin/glycerin is also not ideal, as too much of it will make the razor slippery.
Don’t want to have that 6/8 Aust fall on my toes, do we???
(Maybe that is the true reason the safety razor was named as such… )

Yep, hard water can be a right pain. I've also found that soaps and creams that are hard to lather require a lot more product too.