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  1. #111
    Member rugrad02's Avatar
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    Default PISSED OFF!!!!


    Everyone is describing how wonderful this stuff is. I ordrered my tub the same time all you did. I got a conformation from Paypal stating that Don sent it out. After getting a little curious, I check the email again today entering the tracking info. So, it says that the package was delivered to my address at 2:05 PM on April 11th. Thats funny! I was home at 2:05 on Friday April 11th and checked my mail. To make a long story short, where the is my cream? I am so pissed off right now. AARRRGGGGHHHH!! I hate the USPS. This is not the first time my mail has been screwed up. If any of you have seen my cream, would you forward it along to me please. Thanks
    Last edited by rugrad02; 04-15-2008 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #112
    Member rugrad02's Avatar
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    Default Soap was delvered!


    So I called the post office this morning and spoke to the carrier. She said my package was "right here." She asked if I wanted her to deliver it today or if I would like to come pick it up. I asked her to please deliver it. She asked me to hold and checked to see if a signature was required for delivery. It was not required for this package. I asked to please send it. Oddly enough the package was delivered to my doorstep and had scribbled dates on it and a final notice was in my mail box. FINAL NOTICE? For what? The package didn't need to be signed for. Brilliant people!

    The soap smells great though. Kudos to Don for heading this thing.


  3. #113
    Member fryguy's Avatar
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    Received the sandalwood today. It smells wonderfull and I'll be trying it out tomorrow.

    Thanks so much Don for putting this together.

  4. #114
    N8N is offline
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    1 tub comin my way- paypal sent
    I cant wait to try

  5. #115
    Should I straight? Baloosh's Avatar
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    Got both my tubs.

    Thanks for the hard work Don!!

  6. #116
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Mine arrived yesterday. Since I got back from work fairly late, I didn't get around to trying it out. I'm still in a dilemma as to whether I should run trough my current cake of Cavendish Black before trying this puppy out. Do you guys think I'll be able to resist?

    P.S. Thanks Don

  7. #117
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    Eh? What's this waiting business all about?!?!?

    I'm still waiting for mine and I work for the *@()&$*# Post office! At last check I had some 20 different creams and about 16 soaps in my rotation... looks like a couple more soaps will be arriving shortly... good thing too, I'm getting bored with my collection... not enough variety!

    "Variety is the spice of life, I once watched 27 televisions all at one time..."
    -- Jim Morrison, The Doors.

    Kaptain "You can't have too much variety" Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Mine arrived yesterday. Since I got back from work fairly late, I didn't get around to trying it out. I'm still in a dilemma as to whether I should run trough my current cake of Cavendish Black before trying this puppy out. Do you guys think I'll be able to resist?

    P.S. Thanks Don
    "Aw nuts, now I can't remember what I forgot!" --- Kaptain "Champion of lost causes" Zero

  8. #118
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptain_zero View Post
    Eh? What's this waiting business all about?!?!?

    I'm still waiting for mine and I work for the *@()&$*# Post office! At last check I had some 20 different creams and about 16 soaps in my rotation... looks like a couple more soaps will be arriving shortly... good thing too, I'm getting bored with my collection... not enough variety!

    "Variety is the spice of life, I once watched 27 televisions all at one time..."
    -- Jim Morrison, The Doors.

    Kaptain "You can't have too much variety" Zero
    Wel, you know that old adage, the painters house needs painting and the plumbers house has leaks and the postal worker? he doesn't get his mail!
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #119
    Member fryguy's Avatar
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    I switched to straight shaving the beginning of March and have used nothing else since. Shaved using this soap for the first time tonight. The lather was full and very slick and was a pleasure to swirl around the face. The blade moved quite easily through the beard both wtg & xtg and was my most successfull shave yet. My face was very smooth, 0 cuts, 0 burn and the shave was unmatched by any other method. Yippie!!!! I am very happy and love this soap.

  10. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugrad02 View Post

    So I called the post office this morning and spoke to the carrier. She said my package was "right here." She asked if I wanted her to deliver it today or if I would like to come pick it up. I asked her to please deliver it. She asked me to hold and checked to see if a signature was required for delivery. It was not required for this package. I asked to please send it. Oddly enough the package was delivered to my doorstep and had scribbled dates on it and a final notice was in my mail box. FINAL NOTICE? For what? The package didn't need to be signed for. Brilliant people!

    The soap smells great though. Kudos to Don for heading this thing.

    I used to have all sorts of problems at one of my old San Diego addresses, turns out there are areas where carriers will not leave a package unless one is home. I also suspect they didn't bother knocking, but carried around the little orange forms instead-so they wouldn't have to carry my package. The whole time I was there I almost always had to *pick up* anything I received at the post office, and there was almost *always* one of those final notice things on the door. Frustrating. I'm suspicious the carrier was just lazy. I've not had similar problems since leaving that address.

    John P.

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