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    Senior Member Jantjeuh's Avatar
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    Default Valentine madness :-)

    Woohoo, am I glad it was Valentine's day this weekend!

    Took my girlfriend to Germany for a relaxing weekend, and obviously some good old shopping hehe.

    I was expecting to maybeget a soap or something, but the Germans greeted me with loads of shaving creams and other goodies. I expanded my soap/cream arsenal by a shameful amount for less then the price of one english shaving soap.... (not counting the TABAC deodorant stick).

    More then that, for some reason, my girlfriend got them for me (that's what honing your razor every evening in the kitchen while she's cooking will do for ya!)

    Here's what I got:

    Old Spice after shave: Very affordable after shave in Germany, it's almost available in most every super market. After one smell of it, I had to have it. It's exactly what I was looking for. Smells fantastic in my opinion, and not old at all. I kinda want to eat my own face just how good it smells :-D I know smells are different for everyone else so I try not to recommend after shaves and such. But not only does it smell great, it really wakes you up (really cool feel) when you apply it. And you only need a very small amount ..

    TABAC after shave, in a fantastic box at an insane discount price (no clue why, it was 10 EUR for the huge bottle + the nice wooden gift box), I'm using the box now to store my coticules hehe (see pics), it's truly wonderful. The after shave has a lasting smell, and after it settles in will smell quite different from the 'immediate' smell it has.

    TABAC deadodorant stick, as an after shave should, keeps the unwanted odors away :-)

    Florena shaving cream, for about 1.5 Dollar, I thought it would s*ck completely. But it shaves like a dream. I can honestly say, I think it shaves even better then my TABAC soap... I don't know, I need to do some more testing, but this thing was absolutely painless great shaving. I wonder if it has some stuff in it to 'numb' the face? Truly good stuff, shaves better then my TOBS for sure (I would buy my TOBS only for the smell, I find there's far better shaving stuff out there for a fraction of the price ). The glide it offered was just insane when I compare it to my other soaps and creams (TOBS, TABAC, Body Shop). I'd say it's giving the TABAC soap a run for its money, at a fraction of the price.

    NIVEA shaving cream, it's supposed to be the same as Florena according to a review I read, except for one ingredient. But I found the Florena to shave a lot better

    Alando shaving cream, was extremely cheap, and from what I understood was kinda the 'cheap brand'. You could find an 'Alando' product for almost everything you can imagine. I figured I'd give it a shot as it was cheaper then two cigarettes. Haven't shaven with it yet, but I'll keep you up to date on that one.

    And now the pictures in extremely bad cellphone quality (I can't seem to figure out how to make them show up in a smaller format):

    I have to say, my girlfriend says the Old Spice, while smelling very good to her as well, seems a bit strong. Perhaps I put too much, I'm not sure, I never used liquid after shaves with odor before (only odorless). Should I just splash a tiny bit for the smell of it, or really poor some in my hand and rub it all over my face? Anyhow, by the time I'm home from work I'm sure she won't complain about the strongness, I'm totally loving it. I highly recommend it.

    My new favorite products are the florena and old spice, just great.

    Edit: The old spice does wear off after about two-three hours... Too bad, I want to smell that all day long
    Last edited by Jantjeuh; 02-15-2009 at 07:58 PM.

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