Right out of the box I offered to review their products if they would send me some samples. Here's the template email I sent. It doesn't leave any room for questions of if I actually want samples or not. I also provide my shipping address so they don't really have a reason to delay if they have samples. But always, always be polite. You won't get anywhere if you're making demands or assuming that they owe you samples.

Good day,
I have recently been introduced to the art that is straight shaving and am astounded and somewhat overwhelmed by the variety of products available to enhance the shaving experience. I was wondering if you might have any samples that you would be willing to send me. In return, I would be more than happy to provide a review of your product at www.straightrazorplace.com and other online forums for wet shaving. My shipping address is as follows:

I will gladly try out any products you provide and write up as fair a review of said product as possible. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.