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  1. #1
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    Default First soap nostalgia?

    It's only been a few months for me, but even after trying lots of different soaps, there's something nostalgic about using the soap I used for my first shave. It's Col. Conk Amber. It doesn't lather the greatest and doesn't stay on as long as it should, but when I use it, there's just something nice about it...

    Anybody else do this?

  2. #2
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default First Soap

    My dear Red96,

    If I remember, my first shave soap way back in the 14th Century was Williams. Since then, I have moved on to scores of fabulous shave soaps and creams. My sense of nostalgia for Williams, however, is too insignificant to make me look back.

    I see what you mean, though, by how strong the sense of nostalgia for some things can be.

    It is so with my aftershaves. From what I remember, my first aftershave was English Leather. Here, too, I have moved on, but taken English Leather with me. Somehow things will not be the same in my little shaving kingdom without English Leather.

    My first top quality shave soap — cream in this case — was Truefitt & Hill's unscented. I still use it, along with scores of other quality soaps and creams.

    So yes, I definitely do see what you mean. After all, the world of straight razor and traditional wet shaving has its own delightful and often amusing parade of idiosyncrasies.

    If you feel strong enough about that first shave soap, by all means keep it and use it. That's what I would do, because one's shaving kingdom must bear one's personal stamp.


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    My first soap, back in the 70's, was Wiliams. It was pretty much all that was available in most places. The Navy Exchange started carrying Old Spice and I used it since it was much better than Williams.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yep, my first was Williams and I'd sooner forget about it to tell you the truth.
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  5. #5
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    My first was T&H's Rose cream. I love the scent but it burns like no tommorow and I keep the remainder around as a reminder and warning. Nostalgic? maybe. Memorable? definately (my face was red and sore for days after).

    But I find that most of my feelings for a lather product lays is Tabac soap. The best there is, in my humble opinion. And I feel nostalgic when ever I use it.

  6. #6
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    My first soap and still my first love amongst soaps was/is Taylor's "Mr. Taylor". Still to this day for me, the explosion of awesome masculine aroma with citrus, spice, and the clean fresh fragrance is just something to behold. I save it for very special days (when I have it - I'm currently out) and occasions and it never fails to bring me right back to my first true wet shave with brush, bowl, mug, etc.

  7. #7
    ATG is offline
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    I first started wet shaving with TOBS lemon and lime cream, that was about a year ago and I'm just about finished the tub. My first soap though was the SRD rose I'd have to say I hit the nail on the head the first time around with quality products as I love both the TOBS as well as the SRD and I think that no matter what other creams/soaps I use, the TOBS lemon & lime scent still reminds me of when I first started wet shaving and just seems like 'the' shaving scent to me.

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