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  1. #1
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    Default The Bomb Follow-up

    I have been using the Bay Rum regular density Bomb for going on 2 weeks and wanted to follow-up on my previous posts.

    This is really great stuff. From the scent to the texture in the jar and in lather form. I can't believe how little of the product is actually required to fill my scuttle. A dab the size of a peanut is all that is really required for a 3 pass shave. And what an incredible shave to boot. Very nice.

    I really wish I could afford to buy one of each of his scents. He sent me a sample of sage, which I really love, and I want to try the tangerine and lemongrass.

    Now I said in a previous post that I respect Al's entrepreneurship so much that I would buy some of The Bomb if for no other reason than to support a dying breed. But that is clearly not the case. This is a really good product produced by someone who really cares about his customer.

    If you can scrape up a few dollars, consider buying The Bomb and get a very nice product from one of our brothers who has gone the extra mile for us.


  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Alembic For This Useful Post:

    Alraz (02-08-2010), ShavedZombie (02-08-2010)

  3. #2
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    He's next on my list, once I get a new Badger Brush to make it work nice and paper-tastic. I got a sample dish of his sage, this stuff is -forgive me- The Bomb!


    Sadly, my sample dish got a chip in the lid, so my cream is dried into a soap... Which means time to try it with a boar!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to ShavedZombie For This Useful Post:

    Alraz (02-08-2010)

  5. #3
    Senior Member cutalot's Avatar
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    i was lucky to get sage the frist order love it. als a great gut to work with and will go the extra 2 miles to keep you happy . and the bomb rocks very rich and extra slippery lather

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to cutalot For This Useful Post:

    Alraz (02-08-2010)

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