So, I've heard from somewhere that TGQ's Cavendish Black is good as long as you don't have sensitive skin... Well, I had a small sample of it (Thanks, Delirium) and I like the scent, but had fairly bad razorburn after -although, I used too much pressure, so I don't know if that caused it)

So, Since I'm working on my next round of soaps, I'm wondering, those of you who have TGQ Cavendish black, is it an irritant? Does it bother sensitive skin? (which I have... Not tissue paper sensitive, but still somewhat sensitive) or is it just a great smelling pile of slick lather?

Note, this is for the SOAP. Not the CREAM

If I don't get Cavendish (if it actually does irritate pansy skin ) I'll probably go with Leatherneck... Anyone have experience with that?