Results 11 to 20 of 29
02-25-2006, 04:11 PM #11
I have samples from GFT coming and I believe D.R. Harris (although DR hasnt confirmed via email, they also avent said no) So we will see what I think of their stuff. I am also strongly considering Sue's stuff from
I really don't know that I want to purchase from a company that isnt willing to give our samples. I wouldnt buy a cologne that I couldnt smell either
02-25-2006, 05:28 PM #12
I have Tayor of OBS sandalwood soap and their St James shaving cream. I love their products. The cream is the best I use it to treat myself as it has a great later and I really like the scent.
02-25-2006, 06:09 PM #13
Originally Posted by RichZ
02-25-2006, 06:36 PM #14
My standard rotation is TOBS Shaving shop, T&H 1805, TOBS Mr. Taylor's. Love em all. Unfortunately, ThreePutt had to throw a wrench in the works by turning me on to Castle Forbes Limes. Now I've got to add another cream to my rotation (to be honest, the CF is far and away the best of the lot). On the other hand, I feel like a parent trying to decide among my kids...I love em all
02-25-2006, 06:39 PM #15
Originally Posted by JLStorm
If you try it and don't like it, you don't buy any more of their stuff. But you also have the advantage of lots of people here who have tried lots of different products (I've tried at least five different Taylor's scents alone, plus products from more other companies than I can easily count).
I'm not hawking their product or anything - try it or not as you choose. I just think saying that you won't ever buy from them because they won't send you a sample is a bit unfair.
02-25-2006, 11:45 PM #16
Originally Posted by JerseyLawyer
Well I guess really what I am saying is I will most probably buy from a number of companies that give samples before I go with them. I have so many things I want and scents that I have never smelled, that I if I can get the same scent from a company that gives out samples so I have an idea of what it smells like, I will buy from them first. I will probably buy from TOBS if and when I get bored with everything else.
02-26-2006, 05:22 AM #17
Originally Posted by ForestryProf
02-26-2006, 05:59 AM #18
On the other side of the coin there are many guys out there that would never spring the $$ needed for these first class products prefering to use Williams or Surry cake soaps.........but hey, free samples!! Yep, send a bunch my way, now I would love to try them, for free. They then post a link on several popular DE shaving sites, everyone reading them e-mails that same week, the soap suppliers get overwhelemed with responses for free product, mail out dozens of samples to the USA and over the next two months see zero increase in actual sales becuase the freebies went to those with no intention of buying retail <g>. Many large companies are setup for this type of thing and I agree samples are great. For a small supplier I can't see how they could do it on a regular basis for more than an occasional random request.
I see on the same DE groups guys lamenting the small number of shaving suppliers, then arranging bulk buys of DE blades to divide among them at cost, thereby bypassing the local stores they wished were thriving.
Now what I do advocate from any supplier (myself included), or any product is: you see it, you try it, you don't like it?? Kindly send it back for a full refund, no questions asked.
Sorry for the rant <g>
Tony MillerThe Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman
02-26-2006, 06:43 AM #19
You make a good point. I have purchased from all of the vendors who have provided samples, either directly or indirectly, with the exception of Art of Shaving. And eventually, I will purchase from them. Having said that, upon purchasing, I always notify the vendor and thank them for the samples and inform them of the purchase, and the vendor's name if purchased indirectly. I don't believe in asking for freebies just to have free products.
02-26-2006, 02:46 PM #20
Thank you, Tony. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Last edited by JerseyLawyer; 02-26-2006 at 02:48 PM.