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  1. #1
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Question Different Brushes for Different Soaps?

    I was wondering if people actually switched brushes depending on the soap or cream they are using? This morning, I wanted to use my new Muhle Sea Buckthorne soap. I started building lather on my Semogue 830 Boar and I realized that the bush was simply too large for the puck and the wooden bowl that it comes in. This may be more of an indictment on the small wooden bowl the puck is housed in, but the actual puck is so much smaller than my MWF or Tabac. In comparison, I have used my Semogue with my Provence Sante soap which is also small but never had any issues. I will definitely switch brushes to my 21mm Shavemac for my next time using the Muhle.

    So, does anyone else find that some brushes work better with certain soaps/creams/bowls?

  2. #2
    rum is offline
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    This is actually quite an interesting question. I've only ever had and used two brushes: one for 'home' use (which is quite large) and one for travel, as it has its own little container.

    I thought about getting out the smaller, travel brush once in a while as it otherwise doesn't get much use...

  3. #3
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I've only ever had one brush and I use it for everything. It works great and I'm very happy with it..! I'll only get another one when this one starts going west.

  4. #4
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    I only have one brush, so the answer is no. I see no reason to have more than one brush, but what ever floats your boat.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    In my book a quality brush is just that and you don't need more than one. Having said that I have a smaller brush I reserve for Castle Forbes Cream because it lathers so much a large brush wastes too much. The smaller one is just right.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
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    I think you are supposed to load the brush from the container and lather in a separate, larger bowl.

    This is usually true with soft soaps as opposed to cakes.

  7. #7
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    I have a few and among those, I tend to use more those that fit my lathering style (face lathering) the best. I never lather in the soap container and rarely use a bowl unless I am testing. I like stiffer brushes so I am restricted to high end badger or boar brushes. Most people prefer silvertip brushes but I find them too floppy, they sure have soft tips though. In terms of the size, I prefer small brushes because my face is small and a smaller brush allows me to lather better.

    Al raz.

  8. #8
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    So far, I have been doing all of my lathering in a RAB Scuttle. Just cannot get enough of hot lather in the morning....even in this heat.

    The brush size seems to have no impact on my lathering, but rather, my loading. When using the Muhle soap puck, which is tiny compared to MWF or Tabac, my Semogue 830 simply seemed to large to load the correct amount of soap.

    It was not a huge issue as I did get it loaded and lathered, it was just much easier with my Shavemac which is slightly smaller.

  9. #9
    Senior Member CableDawg's Avatar
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    I use a stiffer brush for hard, non-glycerin based soaps like MWF, Tabac, etc. For creams and glycerin based soaps I use a finest silver tipped badger. Personally I find the stiffer brush picks up the soaps easier and with creams/glycerin soaps it's already really easy to pick up lather.

  10. #10
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    I have two brushes, one that I use every day and one that is for travel only. I have a couple of handles that I need to get plugs for. One, I made, the other had an inferior plug which fell apart. While I agree that one quality brush is sufficcient, the same can be said for razors. How many of us have only one? Certainly not I.

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