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Thread: Yardley shaving soap

  1. #11
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    I used the newer version of Yardley soap (Black Label in a heart shaped black plastic tub) for this morning's shave and it takes a back seat to no one. Wow! The lather was extremely rich and creamy and the resulting shave excellent.
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  2. #12
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackpool View Post
    Whoa! don't forget to add Fullers Earth cosmetic grade powder, or calcium bentonite powder.

    I have been musing (since this morning, thanks!) about making a shaving cream out of Wright's Coal Tar Soap --- the most masculine smell on the planet, wouldn't you say? --- coconut glycerin soap, water, liquid glycerin and maybe a little white emollient cream to help it along. A teaspoon of Fullers Earth powder should be enough. It's innocuous stuff: they used to sprinkle it on babies bottoms to either cure or ward off nappy/diaper rash. And also swallow it, though I'm not sure why!
    Ah, yes, If I forgot the clay I may as well use my granpa's stubble to sandpaper my face. I'll make sure not to forget the fullers earth.

    The Wrights soap smells bloomin lovely, It reminds me of my grandad. ACtually just did a search and found Coal Tar oil.

    Sandlewood seems to be the most popular soap scent but I think this is my Sandlwood, I love it, gonna give it a shot after the fullers earth arrives (with Fullers Earth of course)


    Edit: Ah, it hurts, My razors are droolong at the above post
    Last edited by justalex; 03-13-2011 at 07:02 PM.

  3. #13
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    I know that a unopened in the box Yardley shaving soap, wooden bowl, is going up on Ebay, a friend of mine has it. should be up tomorrow.
    I thought i would share this, it is getting harder to find. I enjoy my Yardley, amazing lather.

  4. #14
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pappasak View Post
    I know that a unopened in the box Yardley shaving soap, wooden bowl, is going up on Ebay, a friend of mine has it. should be up tomorrow.
    I thought i would share this, it is getting harder to find. I enjoy my Yardley, amazing lather.
    WOW, I have not seen that name in years!! Let us know how it works out for you.

  5. #15
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    gents i just purchased a wooden bowl, that contains an unused puck of yardley soap in it, the smell reminds me of the old soap on a rope smell.
    i was able to get it for 9 bucks in an antique shop near my mother in laws, cant wait till tommorrow to try it.
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

  6. #16
    Member dArtagnan's Avatar
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    Had this since early to mid-1980's. Loved it but put it away when I moved to an electric. Just bought my first straight and remembered having it. Surprisingly, mine seems to have even done a good job of retaining its scent along w/ all of its other fine qualities. Thought my memories of how smooth this stuff is was just my lack of experience w/ the "better" soaps. Glad to read that it pleases some of the more knowledgeable members as well.

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  7. #17
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    Great smell every morning. Name:  P4298483.jpg
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